OMG I just accidentally deleted hundreds of hours of work permanently ... F*** ME 😱😱😱😨😨😱😰

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    Google for some opensource data recovery tools, you'll be amazed how much there will be left.
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    @heyheni I recovered a lot, however not nearly all of it. I am going to re-code the whole thing using everything I learned from round 1... Oh well.
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    Make sure you have a backup next time.
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    Yep, write some scripts to take backups so if anything ever happens you can recover with minimal loss.
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    Git + gitlab unlimited private repos + backup :)
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    I have absolutely no comprehension for people who don't make backups. Some have to learn it the hard way...
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    @azous thanks for the tip
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    @maysi I did backup. Git. But then the git history was deleted...
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    @FelisPhasma Even remotely in something like Github?
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    @FelisPhasma git isn't a backup. It's version control.
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    @maysi but with gitlab as mentioned by @azous you can use gitlab CI and script in an automated backup process whenever you commit, build, or on a schedule etc. It is exactly how I use it. I backup to backup storage and off site.
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    @FractalSystems you mean gitlab.com or the self hosted version?
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    @azous I'm using the self hosted at home for personal and got my company using it as well at work. I have not done the .com and have no experience.
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    @FractalSystems nice, we where using it at work too, but I'm lazy and dropped it in favor of .com and my sanity as well, been valuing it a lot lately , or what's left of it 😂
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    One word, one tool: git. Thank me later...
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    @Lisanna because if you use a remote server for it, then it has a backup.
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    When you have another machine that you push to, it doubles as a quick access backup.

    That said, this in turn should be backed up alongside all the non-git stuff.
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    @Lisanna if you delete it from your computer you can still pull it back, i never mentionned it was a backup tool, calm down...
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    @Lisanna git(hub) just helps delocalising files, not backing them up. Calm down...
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    @Lisanna well, I used to think the only reason I'd ever need a backup is because I had screwed up some code irreparably. Now I know otherwise.
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    when I lose my work (often stupidly) I'm amazed how fast I am to remake it and how I make it much better.
    if it was not good enough to be safely saved don't hate yourself, this could be a sign to push you to even greater work ;)
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    @NuoNuo 40k lines of code... I can definitely remake it, but it will definitely be a pain.
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