I need a cute girl to motivate me when I'm demotivated in coding.... :/ Aahh...

  • 2
    Watch porn and ejaculate. Nothing beats that
  • 3
    @asgs Hahahah nice suggestions, but I ain't addicted to pornography. It destroys the brain.
  • 9
    @Sabyasachi whatever you choose has the potential to become your next addiction
  • 13
    Internal motivation beats any external motivation you could ever find. Work on yourself mate, the rest will come
  • 9
    Seems like what he actually means is, "I'm going get my own motivation, with blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the motivation."
  • 7
    - cute girl
    - motive me

    Go find a hooker 🀷‍♂️cute is relative to how drunk you are right?
  • 1
    @C0D4 Will you make a hooker your gf/wife/friend? I guess you all here are obsessed with hookers and allπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. I ain't someone like that who would screw around with those kind of womens... Jeez .. hahahahaha
  • 1
    @Sabyasachi πŸ€”I'm sure there was a time in my life that may have been a possibility, but that ship has sailed already.
  • 0
    @Elyz but what is an internal motivation of not a well hidden external one?
  • 0
    There are tons of girls online which will "motivate" you for a fat stack.
  • 8
    Need a sugar daddy billionaire to motivate me πŸ’…πŸ‘€πŸ‘„πŸ‘‘ πŸ€³πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

    ... Wait, I thought we were all objectifying the opposite sex... πŸ€”
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    @F1973 a stack of banknotes
  • 1
    @F1973 continue down voting πŸ˜›
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    @NoMad I have a feeling he's not circling these parts somehow, will you take Monopoly money?
  • 2
    If you want motivation to work just look at your stack of bills.
  • 2
    @C0D4 nope. I take EUR or USD. Directly given to me, without expectation of any form of sex work.
  • 1
    What about a cute boy? ;)
  • 2
    @NoMad glad we got that sorted out before someone sold their hotels.
  • 0
    @C0D4 Wait! you guy own hotels (plural) ?
  • 4
    @mr-user I usually camp on old Kent road, white chapel road and if the game goes in my favour park lane and Mayfair.
  • 4
    @mr-user @C0D4 probably also has one railway station or two if he has almost monopolized the hotel industry already.
  • 2
    @alexbrooklyn I have a weak spot for cute and handsome men. Don't even get me started on how bad they generally are at motivating anybody... πŸ™„
  • 1

    I am getting the feeling that you are telling me that you camp out with your RV. Does it call camping if you live in RV?

    I have absolutely no idea how significant the road name are since I am not from USA.
  • 2
    @mr-user dude, he's talking about monopoly, the game.
  • 0
    @NoMad ok how bad are they?

    Are they like motivation speech? They just motivate you for short period of time.
  • 3
    @NoMad I finally got it. Monopoly! You could build on a hotel on a property you own in a game.
  • 2
    @lmgtfy monopoly board game
  • 1
  • 1
    @mr-user too much hassle, have many expectations, quit often sociopaths, (that also applies to women tho. But like, if they're pretty enough, you bet someone already hurt them) and more often they don't think of motivating you as much as they think of playing with your mind.

    And that sums up my experience. Mind you, I've been a big enough fool to date a few models.
  • 3

    Oh teach me your way wise one.

    Lesson 1 : If they're pretty enough , someone already hurt them.

    I don't have any dating experience. Sure I have crush like everybody else but I didn't feel like dating anymore.

    I can appreciate a person is "cute" , "beautiful" but if you ask me whether I want to date her , I say "No"
  • 1
    @mr-user low self esteem sense I
  • 1
    @iiii what do you mean?
  • 1
    @mr-user ahahahahaha I wouldn't call me wise, rather "has enough experience to be paranoid".

    The bar for "pretty enough" in that sentence is rather high tho.
  • 1
    @mr-user if you think you cannot date a beautiful human it's most probably due to your self perception of being inferior to that human in some sense. People tend to think beautiful humans have much more positive properties than less beautiful ones.
  • 1
  • 3
    @NoMad oh that's the reason, thought was more like this type of...motivation 😏
  • 2

    The problem is that I don't feel like dating anyone whether she is beautiful,normal or ugly.
  • 1
    @mr-user I see. So there was no connection.
  • 2
    That moment you realise Monopoly isn't a universal game 🀭
  • 1

    Don't you call having enough experience = wise?
  • 1
    @mr-user TBH, I feel the same: I can appreciate the pleasant exterior but dating anyone - no way. People are too much of PITA to deal with on a day to day basis.
  • 2
    @CodeBane I take your word for it. 😜
  • 1
    @mr-user enough, yes. Too much experience just makes you notice the bad aspects more often.
  • 2

    They are some people who I am happy to hear their complains and help out but they are other who I don't want to deal with them.

    Litmus test for me : If I remember their name (other than famous people) , I am good friend with them since I forget the name of people I don't care about.
  • 2
    @iiii I'll join that gang too. Neither do I want a relationship, nor do I seem to be capable of not fucking up one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 2

    Better than thinking everything is rainbow and sunshine.

    We welcome you to the gang!

    We should hang out sometime over a caffeinated beverage of your choosing.
  • 3


    Do you really want to work like this?

    They are various thing wrong with it.
  • 0
    @mr-user In that case I can code all day without getting bored. Hahahahaha πŸ˜‚πŸ˜
  • 1
    @mr-user clearly the solution is to just get a sexy rubber duck, eye candy and problem solving
  • 1
    @Sabyasachi you should appreciate the last few paragraphs and let us know if you still agree lool
  • 1
    @mr-user yeah, we need a guy one for women too. And the "cheerleaders" get their own union too so the HR has more headache to deal with. Ahahahaha. I'm all for that plan. (also, they're not really cheerleaders as much as they're secretaries)
  • 1

    It is a bad plan no doubt. Just give them extra money to spend and they could "spend" it on whatever they want.

    I may want a new desktop to motivate me but if you give a "cheerleader" to me , I will be annoy with it.

    The company should just give a better salary and vacation day to motivate people.
  • 1
    @NoMad relatable
  • 1
    @mr-user I would prefer that chinese way. Eye candy is a nice addition.
  • 1
    @rutee07 would you like an eye candy? 😏
  • 1
    @iamai do bills motivate you? I find them being near to meaningless in my eyes.
  • 0
    You need a mom, basically
  • 0
    @rutee07 idk. Ask your boss. 😜 Say it's for motivation. He must have a bubble butt tho!
  • 1
    @NoMad do women like bubble butts? Isn't that a feminine trait? πŸ€”
  • 2
    @iiii everybody likes a bubble butt. 😜 @uyouthe can back me up on that.
  • 0
    @rutee07 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I'd consider that a form of harassment tbh
  • 1
    @NoMad dunno,I can't imagine a good looking man with a woman-like ass πŸ€”
  • 3
    @iiii my motivation is learning. But most people may get motivated by reality.

    Although this eye candy talk, I want one roomful please. Just tell me where I sign-up.
  • 2
    @iamai wait... A whole room of men?

    *It's raining men!*
  • 1
    @iiii πŸ€” why woman-like? Half the porn star men have bubble butts. It's more muscle than female ones, for sure.
  • 2
    @iiii Hallelujah! πŸ™Œ
  • 0
    @NoMad I can't say those muscular butts look as "bubble" even remotely, unlike common fatty women butts which are much softer and rounder.
  • 3
    @iiii men, women, trans as long as it's eye candy and keep it above 18 please. I don't want to work in jail.
  • 0
    @rutee07 nope. I prefer female human units πŸ˜„
  • 0
    L> hot gamer grill
  • 2
    I'd like to see men uncomfortable in the workplace because of more handsome and muscular and masculine men walking around looking good and being cocky. Tihihihihihi.
  • 1
    @NoMad oh yes. I’m gonna launch my own soft porn studio. Imagine a treadmill with a naked chubby girl and everything is filmed on Arri cameras with anamorphic lenses in like 8K resolution and delivered to you on an NVME Type-C drives because videos are 2TB each. Gotta get that pro xdr display.

    I equally enjoy bubble butts of all genders. Pornhub bubblebumbutt thank me later kthxbye
  • 1
    @NoMad 😱😱😱

    Whatever. There are already some handsome men in the office anyway. I've had a colleague who was basically a playboy and had a new "eye candy" in his bed every weekend. And he was a former gymnast.
  • 2
    @iiii yeah but imagine multiple of those around the workplace, whose job is basically flirt with female workers and get them food. Lelelelel
  • 3
    @NoMad it's snack time, feed me...me likeeee
  • 1
    @NoMad won't go pretty well I guess. Afaik, females are more likely to be taken and being less reliant on an eye candy due to morals or smth. Though it's a very surface general observation of mine and nothing more.

    BTW, reminded me of one IRL eye candy in my office. She was a regular receptionist but a very cute one. Mood would go up a bit seeing her almost every day somewhere in the office or in the common dining room. Though she have married and left after a couple of months.
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    how do I unsubscribe from this thread F***
  • 3
    @iiii good looks in general provide positive effects that's why business always have attractive models for ads and pretty receptionist.

    Although maybe limit it to 7s and 8s? Feels like anything above will be too much of a distraction.
  • 2
    @lopu the three dots on the upper right of screen, then hit mute notifications for this rant.
  • 1
    @lopu did you ++ the rant or commented?
  • 1
    @iamai fair enough πŸ€”
  • 0
    @rutee07 oh shi... I'm a sucker for such look. Though most of them are probably not very nice to communicate with.
  • 0
    @rutee07 well, I may be out of touch. Too much hermit
  • 0
    @SortOfTested blackjack once sucked a 100 dollar bill in 15 min :-(
  • 0
    @Nanos true, but on average humans are pretty average and pretty equal.
  • 0
    @NoMad stumbled upon this video and it mentions something regarding your statement of "the more attractive someone is the worse personality it has"

  • 1
    @iiii seems about right, except, the looks are not a normal distribution, partially thanks to make up, fashion, and plastic surgery. (as minimal as they may be)
  • 0
    It works in theory but not in practice. trust me lmfao
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