Been working with a developer who can't make a visually competent bootstrap site for his life, and after making entire accurate-to-the-pixel mockups for him to emulate we continue to get half-assed work with consistent excuses... My time is now spent going line-by-line through his project items determining what he has and hasn't actually accomplished from his "completed" list. I'm no longer just a designer, I'm evidently now a joint project manager as well, for no extra pay...

  • 2
    Maybe designing is not his forte. For insrance I can't create a front end even if my life depended on it. Though on the other hand if you want large amounts of data and its features fed into a neural network to give a significant result, I am your man
  • 6
    @Siddharthkr93 not bad. I can make really good coffee.
  • 3
    @willol you Sir are a genius. There are only a handful of men left with your capabilities. I'd give anything to be your apprentice.
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    @Siddharthkr93 designing definitely isn't his forte, although he agreed to create our entire site and is now midway through the process
  • 1
    @benmeroff be thankful that atleast he's doing something. I have been with some leeches who do nothing but make your life hell.
    You have to first do your work, then theirs, then resolve their stupidities when they try to fiddle with your implementation of their part and then lastly listen to their rant on how you are a proud dickhead who doesn't see anyone else's program as better than his.
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