Tip : play Eleni Karaindrou on shuffle while coding .
You'll get less bugs .

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    Amon Amarth.
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    @Root I see you too are a man of culture .
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    @devraj45 why don't you find yourself mate .
    Also welcome to Devrant.
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    I usually listen to film scores, can't handle the lyrics when I'm coding :) I don't know if it'll help with the bugs, but it makes my coding time more dramatic.

    Anyway, I actually came here to say I heard someone said something in Sindarin :D
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    @Jilano Yeah, games, especially those you can put on repeat without interruption and lose the count of plays! I love Red Eclipse's OST with its sci-fi theme.

    But recently I'm listening to Imitation Games while coding. It has high tempo riffs which I feel improves my speed and concentration.

    And for when I'm doing theoretical stuff, I need something more epic and impressive, like The Interstellar, or recently I found Vice by Adam McKay.

    And generally, LOTR is my choice when I just want to calm down.
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    @beleg The artist I mentioned , makes musics without lyrics though
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    Just psytrance and good to go
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    Just listen to the Room Eternal Soundtrack
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    @Jilano did we just become best friends?
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    @Jilano Gunshot.
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    We need a DevRant coding music playlist.
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