
Android Interview question: "what would you use to display a large set of similar data?"
1) a linearlayout
2) a spinner
3) a recyclerview
4) a listview

The "senior" applicant picked 1)
He was not even considered.

  • 1
    I always pick 4, no matter what. lol
  • 4
    I don't do android, but #3 sounds like the answer
  • 0
    Not my area of expertise so what's the best answer and why was 1 so wrong?
  • 2
    Best answer is 3, it's the best cost efficient answer. 1 doesn't even make sense..... It's there to fill in the multiple choice and should never be picked!
  • 2
    I'd go for RecyclerView because of the reduced boiler plate, ease of integrating animations upon model changes, the fact the views are recycled and the performance benefits you get with it
  • 1
    Well... Maybe he was planning to implement his own view recycler for the linear layout? ;)
  • 0
    @saberrider one of those "I prefer not to rely on dependencies" people. I get its useful to know how stuff works but if it's there, use it
  • 0
    3 for sure
  • 0
    Always 3 here
  • 0
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