
Your go to linux setup for dev && office work?

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    @cako91 you have just forever changed my life.
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    @cako91 I started doing this a year ago, I now have a script that I can curl and pipe into bash and it sets up everything how I like it from a fresh install 🙌
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    In addition to what @cako91 said, I recommend checking out dotfile repos on github. They contain the customization/settings others have used. I've found many a useful thing there.

    You can even create your own and use something like gnu stow to make migrating easier.
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    Either Ubuntu 16.04 or ElementaryOS Loki, Atom as editor
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    @cako91 can you post a link to some of the files you are using? Would love to set this up for myself, but I don't know where to start..
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    @cako91 I don't because there are somethings hard coded into that would make it a pain to use for anyone else but I've been meaning to refactor it for a while
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    @cako91 Yeah, I suppose if you're just first getting set up stow/syslinking all the files are an extra layer of complexity, but really helps with the portability of a dotfiles repo.

    http://brandon.invergo.net/news/... is the resource I found most helpful in getting to understand how to set it up
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