
To the Windows 10 users of the unofficial devRant client.

I will release soon the v1.4, but I'm already thinking about the future of this project.
What do you think about this concept?
Let me know if you like/hate it.
Any suggestion will be considered.


  • 16
    I don't have a Windows phone, but that looks pretty slick.
  • 15
    @psudo Thanks. It will be available also on Windows 10 PCs. 😉
  • 3
    @psudo that's exactly what I was about to say. It'll be great for Android and iOS users as well. Nice concept mate.
  • 32
    Awesome! We're actually considering tabs for the iOS/Android versions :)
  • 39
    Different themes:
  • 3
    That looks great!
  • 5
    i have android, i just ++ for the effort, good job
  • 5
    Awesome job, looks great especially in dark theme!
  • 5
    It looks like im the .001% percentage of Windows 10 Mobile users. So, for me and my L950, looks great! Thanks!
  • 0
    One problem I have now is with refreshing the feed in algo mode. It looks like ut is refreshing but don't, but if I restart the app it pulls the new stuff.
  • 4
    @ygtgngr version and device (PC/mobile)?
  • 1
    Keep up the good work...
  • 0
    @JS96 1.3.8 on 950 XL , same version on PC crashes after the splash screen btw.
  • 0
    ...Bottom nav?
  • 1
    Hey. If you would want help with building it, please contact me. Looking for a project :)
  • 2
    @nik123 yeah you could. (Shameless self promotion) in fact. I just released my devrant api wrapper to make development much easier. https://github.com/RekkyRek/... :)
  • 4
    @ygtgngr wow... this isn't good. Can you please send me an email (using the Feedback function in-app) with all useful informations about these problems? (how to reproduce them, if the crash occurs every time or only sometimes, if you have internet connection in that moment, if you have a good connection, a more specify description of the algo bug, etc.). Thanks in advance!
  • 5
    @Dacexi thanks, but the app is already done. 😝
    You can already find the v1.3.8.0 on the Microsoft Store (and soon the v1.4), which has already all the features. This topic is only about some UI changes, which aren't difficult to be done. Thank you anyway! :)
  • 4
    @user-name yep, this is the Windows 10 command bar.
  • 1
    The dark theme is life! :D
  • 0
    Wait. Isn't there already a Windows 10 PC version of devrant unofficial...? I'm using it as we speak.
  • 4
    @kileak yes, there is
  • 0
    @JS96 ahh. Is this the same project / app...?
  • 5
    @kileak yes. This app is universal.
  • 1
    @JS96 if so then great job, man. I've been using it without any complaints or issues so far! :)
  • 8
    Some progress has been made... Soon...
  • 3
    I use it everyday on both my PC and my phone so I LOVE IT!
  • 2
    This looks sooo slick! Thanks man ;)
  • 5
    @thmnmlst I already fixed it. Now I was waiting @dfox to add the push notifs, and release the v1.4.

    But, I decided (now) to release (now 😂) the v1.3.9, with all the new features I planned to release in v1.4, without the push notifs.
    It will be available in a few hours.

    And the push notifs will be available directly in v2.0 along with new UI, in January.
  • 4
    @thmnmlst I just reinstalled it, and I hadn't any problems with the login. It works properly. I'm writing this comment using that version. It's really strange... Can you retry and give me more information on how to reproduce that? If anyone else here has the same problem, please let me know.
  • 4
    @thmnmlst did you try to remove the app and install it?
  • 4
    @thmnmlst it's really strange. As you wrote, on PC it works great... And it's the same app package... So it should work also on Mobile (and on my Lumia 950 works).
  • 4
    @thmnmlst it was a joke 😂
  • 4
    @thmnmlst 😂

    Anyway, did you install the app on microsd or internal storage? And did you try to reinstall it on the other one?
  • 4
    @thmnmlst ok, maybe I found the problem
  • 4
    @thmnmlst I just submitted an update (v1.3.10). I hope it will fix those issues. Let me know.
  • 4
    @thmnmlst the update is in certification 😉
  • 4
    @thmnmlst the v1.3.10.0 should be available now, download it and let me know 😉
  • 4
    @thmnmlst I'm sorry to hear that. I really don't understand what's wrong. The event of the buttons is the same of the previous version (when you tap on it, it navigate to that page of the app...). The only thing I changed is that I moved the menu to a ScrollViewer to make it useable when you rotate your phone horizontally, because it can't fit, so you need to scroll to see all the buttons. But it shouldn't cause problems since also other parts of the app (for example the list of rants) are in the same structure (they are in a ScrollViewer and have an even that navigate to the page of the rant)... 😕

    Can you please send me an email so we can continue the discussion there? We are going too much off topic. Thanks.
  • 7
    Preview of the new UI in action. 😁
  • 1
    This looks great. If I'd still use Windows 10 mobile I'd use your app. One suggestion for the dark theme: never go full black even if the windows phone 7, 8 and 10 mobile guidelines say so. It looks way better with a dark grey.
  • 5
    @dsteiner it depends on personal preferences, and for this reason from v1.3.9 I added the possibility to create your own custom theme, changing all the colors you want. 😉
  • 5
    Someone here already tested that feature (custom theme)? 😀
    I would like to see some themes.
  • 5
    New preview:
  • 1
    just got the app on my desktop. thnx for making it, its easier to visit devrant on this app then the website when I'm not using my tablet.
  • 5
    @chrisx84 you're welcome! :)
  • 1
    @JS96 when are we getting colabs on pc?
  • 6
    @Dacexi It will be available in v2 in March/April. :)
    Sorry if it takes so long but I don't have a lot of free time and I want to release an update with huge improvements and a lot of new features (more than 100 changes).
  • 1
    @JS96 👍 I'm working on a project and want to post it to colabs but writing everything on the phone is a pittoe bit meh. I need my machanical keyboard ❤️
  • 5
    @Dacexi in the meantime you can use the web version (on PC): https://www.devrant.io/collabs/

  • 6
    @Dacexi I noticed now that you can't post a collab using the web version, only see them... :\
  • 1
    @JS96 Last time i tried it just took me to the new rant page when trying to make a colab :(
  • 6
    @Dacexi yeah, I see... :\
  • 2
    You can't post a collab on the web version, only view right now.
  • 1
    @dfox when could we expect it to come to web? (Will probably purchase one just to support devRant even though i get one free :)
  • 1
    @Dacexi thanks :) Right now you actually have to use the free one first.

    To be honest, right now it's not on the roadmap and probably won't be any time soon since it requires us to implement a payment method besides in-app purchases.

    If the only thing stopping you is you don't want to type it out in your device, then that's understandable, but typing on a computer and then posting from a device shouldn't be that hard considering it's only a few fields :)
  • 1
    @dfox yeah i know. Just a bit of a hassle. Is there no other way i can support devRant (an actual donation. Not store)
  • 2
    @Dacexi there will be very soon :) I don't want to give away what it is, but you'll get something in return (that you hopefully think is cool) and it's not a donation. We think everyone will be happy!
  • 0
    @dfox duuuude. Your awesome
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