
Game soundtracks? Perfect background music while coding.

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    That's a great idea! Thanks!
  • 3
    *nostalgia hits like a truck*
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    Two steps from hell
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    Especially when said music is Touhou arranges.
  • 1
    Witcher 3 music is what i listen to while coding...
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    Game Soundtracks? Only one I use for coding, if at all, is Unreal Tournament 3's POST. Maybe because I'm a jungle/dnb/breaks kind of guy 😝
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    The screen though...
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    Mass Effect /1/2/3.

    The only problem is that this is all I listen to now. I think it has damaged my brain.
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    Bucks bumble main menu soundtrack. You'll thank me
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    *Plays Halo 2 theme song*
    Me: starts playing guitar with my keyboard.
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    In case you don't know it yet you have to try the Nier soundtrack.

    I can only describe it as beautiful.
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    Doing that every single day 😄
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    D2 D2exp and D3 music...
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    SimCity 4 or 3000 anyone? I can recommend that music for programming
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    @SnyderL was searching for 'Video game' on Spotify or smtn. :)
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