
I had enough of these "Recruiters" bugging me and decided to reply

Fucking take a minute read the god-damn description of the profile to see if they have those skills mentioned at-least

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    I get this shit all the time. It’s even worse WHEN THEY TEXT YOU!!! 😡
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    These days I just look at their profile to see which company they are from and what position. If it is from the recruitment agency or some random company, I simply ignore the message.
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    Oh yeah, I had to hide my mobile number from pretty much everything because of these (and insurance people)


    Funny enough this guy's bio is
    "Founder / Director /Chief Consultant Talent Search Global (Pvt) Ltd"

    His company name sounds like a tech support (phone scam) company
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    That name sounds totally shady
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    Don’t you love it when they say they think you’re a great fit for the role, then during the call they ask you to go over the basic shit on your resume? It’s even worse when they say you’re not a good fit after you go over your background! THANKS FOR WASTING MY FUCKING TIME YOU AIRHEADED CLOWN! YOURE TOO FUCKING STUPID TO READ A RESUME! Go pick peanuts you ass picking monkey, that’s a job suitable for your baboon brain capacity
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    Recruiter == spammer. Literally the same skill set, and the same lack of morals.

    The only decent recruiters are exec head hunters since there’s actually a consequence at that level for sucking.
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    Recruiters are so hit and miss.
    I applied at a big company for two positions. Got two different corporate recruiters. One felt like going through the motions (literally said "got to go to next candidate bye"). Got no reply on even one question. Left me hanging, got news trough the other recruiter who was horrified.
    The other one was amazing. Even checking if with the other position to see what would be a better fit. Really felt he was on the ball and pushed it forward for me. He is also just a great person to talk to. So yeah a recruiter as a profession should exist and holds a lot of value. Problem is that there a so many posers like you from OP here all the time.
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    @Root is there such thing as recruiter fatigue? I’m feeling it. I’m getting hit left and right with emails and requests from these blood sucking ants and I’m going insane. I’m doing surprisingly well with keeping civility but I’m not sure I have enough stamina left. LEAD SENIOR DEVELOPER ROLE FOR HOT NEW STARTUP IN MANHATTAN! ....Me: go away! GO! AWAY!! STOP!! Call me if you TRULY believe I’m getting the role! If not, fine then. You’re fucking dead to me
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    I'm pretty sure someone could find your profile if they wanted as you almost covered your name and photo
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    Lol that's hillarious
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    Lol that's hillarious
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    @hjk101 had similar experience. there are some rare ones that are great!

    better yet are those who look interested and ask you your preferences. what you would like to avoid? TechXY? You sure, ok noted down, no TechXY jobs recommendations for you then! Great, you know it is just to look for jobs that suits you better.

    Next email? "I have 3 great new TechXY opportunities for you!"

    better yet is when they call you and you said to them at least 3 times that you don't answer your phone during working hours.

    One called me and I though my parcel arrived so i picked up the call and it was not delivery service on the other side but friggin recruiter, was so pissed off, he tried to ask me some shit, I just literally said: DUDE! DUDE, NO! and hanged up!

    fucking monkeys throwing shit at you when you least expect!
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    Recently a recruiter of my former company wrote me how nice they are and whether I'd like to get in touch with them... I worked for them for almost 8 years! Told them to better read profiles but the response made me think they didn't even read my comment 😂
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    Couldn't have said it better,

    They reach out saying "i think you'll be a great fit", then ask nothing related to the things mentioned in the profile


    I think recruiters should have a similar background to what they're hiring for, and a bit of common sense


    Probably, but can't make it to easy for them, Feel free to take up the challenge
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    @DarKneT yep, I've got your linkedin and github. It was easier than I thought as it only required a couple ddg searches to get the name right.
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    Pretty sure recruiters need to pay money to contact people they aren't connected with on linkedin, but they get refunded if you message back.

    Either way, I just ignore them
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    Funny you mention that... Just had an in-house recruiter from a local start-up contact me about a golang position, which I don't know either. Thankfully she stated up-front that it was not expected that I know it, but was willing to learn. Same with the GCP stack they use.

    The up-front honesty and clear willingness to let you learn on the job is always a major plus in my eyes. And it was refreshing to talk to a recruiter who contacted me through SO rather than LinkedIn.

    YMMV I guess.
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    package main

    import "fmt"

    func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello world!")

    Now go get that job!!!
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    @hjk101 been there, done that 😉

    Now I'm bashing my head against fmt.Scanline which, in a loop, triggers one error per character entered that is not the correct type. For instance, expecting integers, but getting letters. Normally I'd expect the rest of the stdin to be cleared on error, but it does not. This makes my code print the whoopsie-message once per char...

    Sure, the internet talks about other packages solving this, but the particular case I'm working on wants Scan or Scanln... 🤷‍♂️
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    @RagingCodeChimp that sounds like bad design to me. You are forced to use stdin for example. In go we design by contract and it should ask for a Scanner interface; you can fix anything in your implementation.
    Even with fmt scan stuff you can always scan to a buffer/byte slice or string and parse that with regular expressions or something.
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    @electrineer Feel free to send a message

    @YADU Didn't know that, thanks for the info

    @RagingCodeChimp I'm more than happy to up skill on the job and work on it if i'm at least bit familiar with it
    In this case I've 0 experience

    @hjk101 If only i had extra time, I'd totally gone applied and wasted their time as well
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    @DarKneT you participated in hacktoberfest 2018 by pushing your name and bio to a repo 😕
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    @electrineer so did almost everyone else, specially in 2017 i was putting my blood and sweat into actual open source projects
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    Good old days when we could post images
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