Learned bash scripting age 17 for the sole purpose of automatically downloading porn using wget.

  • 10
    I Like this
  • 6
    Ah yes! I use userscripts to generate download links on PH pages, because PH are asshokeswho can delete anything ona whim
  • 12
    Man of culture.
  • 2
    Is there any benefit of this method? faster or secure or private, like that?
  • 14
    Whatever gets you coding, dood.

    @iiii Just like YouTube, like a third of my favorited videos are listed as "deleted" and I don't even know what the title of each video was because that gets deleted too.

    So nowadays I just download everything I like. Interesting two hour talk I might never watch later? Download that shit. Interesting blog article? Export that fucker as PDF and plain text file. HDDs are cheap nowadays and manufacturers are aiming for 100TB+ by 2030, so what the hell.
  • 5
    @theabbie That was in the mid-to-late nineties. Automatic downloading back then was nothing you could get from a browser extension. I mean I used lynx for browsing half of the time back then.

    It was just pure convenience.
  • 3
    @deadlyRants exactly! So I must stash all the juicy stuff locally, like a horny squirrel.
  • 5
    @iiii gotta protect your nuts lol
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    A true hero
  • 0
    No wonder, since Linux users are bunch of wankers.
  • 1
    true motivation :)
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    @aviophile Yeah, I guess Windows is morally purifying... Who in the world could even imagine to hold an erection for more than 2 seconds when looking at DOS or the Power Shell. Ewww
  • 1
    @DirtEffect windows chads banged linux virgins’ platonic loves. That is the reason of their inferiority complex.
  • 1
    @aviophile wait, wtf? 🤣🤣🤣
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    pick one.
  • 0
    @iiii wish I could give a second upvote for the squirrel metaphor
  • 2
    @DirtEffect oh yes. I stash my nut material :3
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    I think the next step would be to learn hosting things...
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    The real MVP.
  • 2
    That feeling when your code gets past the "Yes, I'm above 18" button successfully!!! 😆
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