Created this flowchart for idiots to tag their post right.

High Res: http://imgur.com/a/h9P6zhi

  • 33
    Instructions unclear,
    Entered infinite loop of fucking myself 😂
  • 8
    @C0D4 don't be Jase, stop the chase.
  • 10
    I don't get it, you're saying I should tag everything as a "#Rant" right?

    Also you're missing the HashTag symbol next to your tags.

    This post is offensive to me!

    #Rant #NotMyFloyd #MeToo #DevRantGate
  • 4
    @Hazarth no, I am not asking to tag every post as Rant.

    Also, in dR, you don't have type # before your tags.
  • 3
    Made with lucidchart?
  • 6
    Got you. I have to tag every comment with “#rant”. Cool. Thanks!

    Nice drawing btw. Really nice, long and straight lines. Just like my pubic hairline.

  • 4
    Got it, Thanks man!
    I pinky swear I will now only post everything with #devRant, unless it's a stupid meme, at which case I will just use #rant.
    Wait, I feel as if something's not right, hmmmmmmm...
    Well, must've been the wind.
  • 2
    @Floydimus Bava, @Hazarth is being sarcastic.
  • 3
    @DeepHotel draw.io

    @Cyanide nah! If you think this is applicable for comments too then no it is not.
  • 3
    @Floydimus Your sarcasm detector is not working today.
  • 7
    @SoldierOfCode @Cyanide lol this blew up in my face.

    Oh lord why did I give you fuckers an opportunity to troll me.

    *Cries in 0s and 1s*
  • 5
    @Floydimus *Laughs in arrows and boxes*
  • 5

    Can't believe I tricked the great FloydDroid!

    I will screenprint this moment and hang it up on my wall forever. *Laughs like an anime villain*
  • 6
    @Hazarth I bet you can't do that 😏

    Also, it's good to get tricked sometimes so that I see my friends smile and be happy :)
  • 5

    Only that people who are too stupid to fucking tap "Joke/Meme" when posting a joke or meme will not understand a flowchart because they are too stupid to even be devs.

    These people are the root cause of the buggy and shitty tech that we rant about in the first place.
  • 4
    @-red legend's said it could not be done until now when @Hazarth did it.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop hahahaha these retards are defective humans.
  • 2
    Just being meta shouldn't be enough to tag it "devRant".
  • 6
    The compression is strong with this one.
  • 2

    you're trying to play 5D chess here, but I'll let you know, I have graduated top of my class in 6D chess dynamics and won first prize 2 times in a row in the 8D chess olympics. Once I have even tied an online match with a high ranking 9D chess champion, but there are no records about that since that was a private match.

    #rant #HazIsBest #SubscribeToPewdiepie #PythonIsFasterThanPerlProveMeWrong #FloydMoreLike...Not..yd....
  • 2
    @Oktokolo agreed. Hence added "community matters"

    @sariel lol hence attached the high res version.

    @Hazarth I couldn't comprehend that. Brain not working on optimal mode today.
  • 2
    I like how it always starts with fucking yourself.

    As means of penance I assume? 🤔
  • 7
    Unoptimized. Path to jokes should be the first one for the most stupid monkeys with minuscule attention span
  • 4
    @molaram lol this ain't LinkedIn or Insta were we have snowflakes and normies.

    @iiii good point. Let's keep it for now. Maybe the shit posters would get bored half way through the chart and decide not to make the post.
  • 1
    Then that "or" should be an "and" - because otherwise it doesn't restrict any meta shit from getting the devrant tag.
  • 1
    @Oktokolo shouldn't meta stuff be tagged as devRant?
  • 1
    Only if it is about devRant.
  • 1
    @Oktokolo what else would qualify as meta?
  • 1
    Wait what software you are using ? Plantuml?
  • 1
    @johnmelodyme draw.io

    @devjesus lol fuck you too
  • 1
  • 0
    @johnmelodyme no problem.
  • 0
    @rEaL-jAsE it's means that stop going in loops (of deleting the account or fucking yourself)
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