
Anyone know what Safe Agile is?

We're doing project interval planning for next 2 days.... aka long meetings about good knows what...

To me it sounds like bullshit bureaucracy.... because you can't have Safe anything with a team full of monkeys...

That or I just don't like change and giving up control... Or sitting I didn't meetings all day... Especially since I'm deaf and the captions suck...

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    Dont know, but it sounds like a LinkedIn MBA buzzword
  • 3
    It's just a normalised approach to agile in enterprise, but usually ends in more meetings then work getting done 😔

    A really good read up:
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    Monke strong!
  • 4
    Its an attempt to do agile in large organizations where you have dependencies.

    Agile normally is quite informal but if you need to have changed made in a dozen systems to get a feature done you will need a more formal development plan so that you get things ready roughly when other teams expect it to avoid having teams sitting idle.

    It is more meetings and less agile than the original agile idea but even if each team gets a bit less freedom and actually less done, overall (if done right) the sum is more work done.

    The key is to find the right balance between goals so it does not end up being purely top down governed since then you loose all agile.
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    @iiii yes! Monkey strong! MBA dumbass monkey strong! Lol! Obey your monkey MBA warlords as they feast on your flesh!
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    @C0D4 @Voxera but the only dependency is me.... Unless I need to chase some other (data) team not covered under this new approach... Which take forever because these ppl Drag their asses replying and then point to another team that's Not covered.
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    @donuts wait, this wouldn't be applied to a team?

    Just you?

    I'd think a kanban board and a backlog would be all you need as an individual.

    Who's doing the standups, sprint planning, etc?
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    @Voxera @C0D4

    -Know the Way; Emphasize Lifelong Learning
    -Decentralize decision-making
    Develop People
    Inspire and Align with Mission; Minimize Constraints

    Hm... Not happening...

    And Agile manifesto don't work with a team of monkeys... Processes are needed to keep shit code out of prod...

    Chains only strongest as it's weakest link... There are too many....
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    @C0D4 dunno if it's org wide ot done teams

    A lot of my projects are solo, just building reports, upgrading, fixing a bug

    Anyway have that for my own work because the amount of JIRAs in a Sprint had always been greater than can be done

    Well I'm part of a team so now just need to show up.... But again given in usually found solo work around like a waste of time
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    Interface design, user experience guidelines and design elements for the teams are provided by UX Designers.

    We don't have any....our team does everything...full stack....

    Guess this seals it... With SAFE awhile .. This team is dead...
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    SAFe Portfolio Level contains people, processes and necessary build systems and solutions that an enterprise needs to meet its strategic objectives.

    But but but.... Processes are anti-agile?
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    @donuts sounds like management found a LinkedIn post for SaFe and have no idea.

    For your example, it's probably a waste of time, and not much use to you in the short term, But they write the cheques at the end of the day right.

    If you link GitHub to Jira you could just automate the tickets with commits / merges and not worry about it much.
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    @Voxera can't those dependencies be processed in an asynchronous way? Like, there is always some sort of ticket system with links and dependencies which can show what is available and what is currently blocked.
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    @dUcKtYpEd more poeer how? Seems like they added another management layer by adding POs.

    Before I get requests from users and do the whole sdlc. Now need to join a meeting to get it added and prioritized.

    Seems more like to a way to slow things down and introduce me context switching...

    And for projects I have now... The blocker is some other team that's doesn't do safe agile and takes forever to respond.
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    @iiii sure, but with 8 different teams and bugger projects with deadlines its quite important to have some sort of synchronization so when you are ready to start testing the other team still has not started ;)

    All this of cause require people that can think and yes you can solve it different ways, but if that means letting business into jira, well there are many ways to fail ;)

    SAFe as an idea is ok, a good management can make it quite effective and a bad one can create an even less effective waterfall clone :P

    After one and a half years we are getting better at it, but it does take time to find the right balance.

    And to make sure new features do mot get to take all time, there needs to be spare time to handle changes or problems or emergency patches and such, otherwise your only going to get even more stressed.

    One key is to do much more investigating early on :)
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    @Voxera investigating early on... Is too late I think...

    In my opinion, the whole team needs to be replaced and the whole project redone...

    So I think it's better that I just goto another team that's in better shape...
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    @donuts that was not so much a specific recommendation but a general for SAFe.

    Its a but of a trade off compared to really agile but with good people it works.

    With bad people no strategy really works.
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    @dUcKtYpEd we failed the first requirement. The new (local) team was created from an old team. The old town had like 7 ppl, new team split out 2 (unfortunately not me), then added 3 POs...

    As for seperate responsibilities.... Pfft... Been saying that for years... But nope we share dev with our Shanghai team of another 10 devs that write code at relatively much lower quality.
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    @dUcKtYpEd will move thing now we're having that all this week but now I've gotten permission to sit out of these bs meetings since I can't just listen in while doing other things... Which I guess is what everyone else is doing other than the few that are speaking...
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    It’s agile where the product owner claims he had no idea what you were all doing ?
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