You're a programmer, how do you even talk to someone as a human on a date?

  • 20
    I'm going to say something that might hurt but:
    Your job is not supposed to define your personality or how you behave.

    If you are bad with human relationship, it has nothing to do with the fact that you are a programmer.
  • 6
    Be normal, Don't talk tech, and just go with the flow.

    It'll either work or it won't.

    Surely people have more interests then bashing keyboards all day, like I get it, it's usually a key hobby, but it's not usually the ONLY one you have.
  • 1
    About your profession ? Make yourself seem extra intelligent and gracious simultaneously

    Avoid making yourself seem arrogant and be warm and mild and offer up information as asked in small bits leaving air in the conversation and flirt

    It’s about not making the chick resent you or get bored if you launch into a long technical rant that makes their head hurt

    Also talk about something else if they seem to get that unpleasant shake to their expression

    You know the look like they are stressed or overthinking something

    Just try to make them feel warm and make yourself look good and worthwhile

    In some cases seeming to be the daddy figure can help but not like a dad but like the doting male figure they miss or wish they had
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    In short just relax and try to speak to to it audience on the same level they understand things
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    Someone just went out of their way to try to make me feel like crap for blowing up in a rant when they didn’t have to respond at all
    Demonstrating a certain level of immaturity so I spoke to them at the level I view them
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    Just like the last time I answered this rant heh
  • 2
    What do you do for a living?

    I write and structure text into elegant logical patterns. I am into art.
  • 5
    @Lyniven this times 1000000. I can't ever understand why some people make their profession a personality trait. I guess it happens depending on some situations. To me this is just a job, and while my way of life is heavily affected by my profession I see no reason why this should or would extend to my personality.

    Most people don't know I am an engineer until it comes out in conversation.
  • 3
    "So uh you consume foods too huh?"
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    I usually talk music, hopes and dreams, literature, economics, history, politics, or if they propose a topic I go along. I like difficult topics and learning from people and I intentionally seek company who are fulfilling in this regard.
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    Music is a great starter, everybody listens to music in some form and it lets you make an educated guess about their philosophy.
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    Treat her like a rubber duck.
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    Well I'm a human first and foremost. Why would being a programmer influence this?
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    That's the neat part.

    You don't.
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    Wait, what if this is a lizard alien trying to blend in?
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    @error503 @ArcaneEye

    you all look alike.
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    @YouAllSuck well whaddya know, fashion and good looks really is a universal truth :-p
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    I don't have to worry about it because I never even get the chance to talk to an available person of the opposite sex.
    From the people in my age range, 90% of the guys I know are single. 90% of the women I know are with someone.
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    @ars1 sounds like the women in your age range disagrees with you as to what your age range is :-p
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    @ars1 that’s actually a common defense strategy but likely the way society turned out that wouldn’t matter if you tried to get sex from them

    Trust me likely half those bitches are literal whores still
  • 2
    There is this meme about a guy who still got laid after talking about the plot of Skyrim for an hour.

    If you are handsome you can get away with talking about anything, really.
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