ActiveX -.-
Need I say more?!

  • 3
    ActiveX? Yikes. What kind of monstrosity are you having to dig into ActiveX?
  • 4
    who are you to work with such ancient witchcraft
  • 3
    Dear avatar copycat, why in the world are you playing with such old, undesired software?
  • 1
    From the quotations here I'd say Yes, do tell!
  • 2
    @ScriptCoded, you may have more ++, but I'm older! ;P

    Hm..yes..monstrosity, ancient scrolls, witchcraft, voodoo stuff.. goes by all those names and many more where I come from..
    I deal with it cuz noone else dared to stand in it's path..
    Life is fun!! // no irony meant, I really do enjoy challenges & will miss the sucker when it will get rewriten..it's just that it's thousands of lines in hundreds of files that somehow are referencing it in one way or other..

    P.S. might I interest you in it's brothers vb & interop?? They are also very much fun to work with.. -.- xD
  • 3
    @hjk101 Argh..you're making fun of me, right? Or am I really sooooo old that I don't know that making fun of activex & IE is already pase cuz noone knows them anymore.. o.O
  • 5
    @sladuled you have my condolences of still needing to work with it.

    Hopefully you can remove it from existence before IE and IE Mode are dropped from this world.
  • 2
    @C0D4 brother I know for a fucking fact you and I have had to work with ancient shitty ass PHP, what is we talking about in here?
  • 3
    @AleCx04 IE's old ActiveX controllers

    It let you run VB script, Perl and a few other languages in a browser and access things like word documents, excel spreadsheets and the file system, and a whole bunch of other things that would be considered extreme security issues these days 😅

    Great for enterprise - in a bad way, but god awful for public use.
  • 3
    I read that as Anti Vaxx.

    Too much shit going around these days tbh.
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