The priceless moments of life. :)

  • 9
    Is it only me who sees phpmyadmin and wants to run away as far as possible...
  • 1
    The inconsistency bothers me. It should be either laptops or labtobs.

    And P is nowhere near B on a keyboard.
  • 1
    @Demolishun depends on the layout.

    If you wanna get freaky...

    Sholes 2nd Layout


    And there are _fucktons_ of regionalized keyboards / specialisations.

    Read it up once on Wikipedia and was fascinated how crazy some layouts were.
  • 0
    Labtops ?
  • 2

    People still use that 🤨
    Wait don't tell me, this is a wordpress site...
  • 0
    Also inconsistent with plural/singular:
    Phone, Tablets, ...
  • 1
  • 1
    @Demolishun what if it's a bunch of laptops in a lab?
  • 1
    Well that is stupid natural languages for you. It sounds fine to me (especially when connected to microscope, hanging next to a lab coat).
    More bothered by the mix of singular and plural.
  • 2
    @arcsector Next JS devs will call them nodebooks.
  • 2
    Honestly they used to be spelled as labtops in some popular science magazines in the 90s
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