
"private is evil" or "static is bad" being thrown around without even thinking.

They're both a solid 14 out of 10 on my wtf scale.

  • 5
    Most people don’t think.
  • 6
    Oh God, I feel you so bad!

    Them: “Why did you use a static???”
    Me: “Cause it’s a value shared across members of the same class?”
    Them: “NNOOOOOOO! Static is bad! You keep memory busy for no reason and it messes up with memory fragmentation!”
    Me: *stares aimlessly trying to decide wether they are trolling or wether the fact they are senior is an insult*
    Them: “you must make a method that gets all the class instances and changes the value which will be not static.”

    I think I am actually in coma due to an aneurism since then. This is just a dream.

    Don’t do professional unity development, kids! Do drugs, they fuck up with your brain less than this shit does.
  • 0
    Eh? Who are those retards?
  • 2
    @piratefox now that's top stupidity 😱
  • 4
    @piratefox what the actual fuck did I just read?
  • 0
    They make testing harder, but that doesn't mean they don't have their use cases.

    I've been avoiding private methods for this reason since other classes are always going through an interface, so it doesn't matter if every method is public since only the ones I want exposed are exposed.
  • 2
    @Hazarth an interaction with a person who was trying to outsmart the compiler every day.

    Wish I was joking, my soul is scarred.
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