
So I just noticed that devRant has a collab section for helping you find collaborators for your project. Thats awesome sauce. A while ago I had thought of writing up a site to do something very similar but just did not have time so I did the next best thing I could think of and started a collaboration slack group for this purpose. Right now its pretty small but I'm slowly adding developers to it. Its targeted for those looking to collaborate new ideas and get help on existing ones. Right now it mostly consists of php and laravel developers but by no means is it only for php and laravel. My goal is to get the slack to grow big enough so that people can easily find help for their ideas/projects. By no means am I trying to sway people away from devRant's collab feature, in fact i urge you to use them, they deserve it for bringing us devrant! But If youre interested in joining a great environment, comment your email and ill send you an invite to our slack so we can see if there is anything our current team can help you with. Its also good chance to make friends. Help me to help you to help me to help everyone else:)

Our slack group url


Keep an eye for an invite. :)

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