In high school for an assessment we all had to make a simple game and we to plan it first and then program it. In the planning stage we had to list variables and functions used and whatnot I'm my planning sheet I was given I had "variables modified by user" which basically meant data inputted buy the user stored in a variable with only one player name variable listed in it and everything else in my game was being computed another runtime and my CS teacher told me I didn't have enough user inputted variables and I explained that it didn't need any more she said "so you're telling me the user enters their name and the the game just plays itself?!!! " :|

  • 3
    I guess your teacher wanted you to include other kind of input like keyword or mouse input too.
  • 2
    Yeah that would make sense however since we were forced Scratch there was no need for variables for keyboard input because Scratch handles it for you haha @Eariel
  • 1
    Your teacher wanted a dumbass Q/A game
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