When you are a coder and still go to school...

1. Can you hack?
2. Did you already hack the NSA?
3. Did you ever enter the darknet?

  • 6
    They ask me if i have been to the deep web, and i'm like: Shit, there is facebook.....
  • 3
    sad, but it's true
  • 2
    @kvsjxd yeah and snapchat and whatsapp and this and that
  • 4
    @Mitiko sometimes they ask if I see 1 and 0 with my eyes. Read data from disc by only looking at it bla bla
  • 6
    @hyvte Can't you!?!?!?
  • 4
    @hyvte we had a sticker with our university name in binary ASCII in our apartment 😉
  • 1
    @matanl Good idea anyway 🤔
  • 1
    @matanl I've done that to my course's name and I wanted to make it a sticker to put on my laptop but I wanted to talk to my course's students "administration" (otherwise I could be punished for it, but I'm not quite sure about that. Either way, I don't wanna risk it) to know if they allow me to do that so right now it's just sitting on my pics folder LoL
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    @DotM I don't see why they would punish you, it's just a sticker
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    @matanl I mean yeah but I didn't ask for permission or anything so I don't know if they wouldn't be on top of me for using the course's name to make stuff without asking
  • 1
    @DotM is a course name proprietary? It's like making a sticker with a banana sign on it or something
  • 1
    @matanl better safe than sorry I guess
  • 1
    Can you hack free Netflix accounts?
  • 1
    Yes to (3), and it's shit.
  • 1
    @Scrumplex Of course. Also remote control mars rover via old nokia phone
  • 0
    aw hell no, no one's "entering" me 😨
  • 0
    Omg whenever I get my laptop out and start coding everyone say have you hacked the Pentagon yet, can you hack x for me, can you hack x's facebook account.
  • 0
    1. Technically yes
    2. No
    3. Yes

    P/S: Yes these are really similar FAQs that I still get till now
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