So today the Manager told my coworker that "going to the toilet" is an excuse. We all work from home, "eating", "shiting", and anything other than work is considered excuses.

What in the bloody fuckery fuck is this?

  • 16
    Fine, I shall take my headphones with me and we shall shite together. two can play that game.
  • 1
    @C0D4 yucks... I can't imagine that scene... ๐Ÿคฃ
  • 8
    @johnmelodyme not something I would be proud off, but your workplace seems like it's needs a good shit talking too.

    It's only uncomfortable the first time, there's something seriously wrong if they want to make it a regular event.
  • 4
    @C0D4 I begin to feel I am working in sewerage company :)
  • 6
    What?? You’re a biological creature that eats and eventually has to take a piss. Anyone who doesn’t either has severe health issues and potential tumors in the digestive tract or has anorexia. Would they be happy if you pee in a bucket next to your computer without regards to sanitation like a rat? Maybe your manager is a rat...I wouldn’t be surprised.
  • 4
    @johnmelodyme shit devs, shit managers, shit code... I'm seeing a pattern here ๐Ÿšฝ๐Ÿงป
  • 0
    @C0D4 I can smell the shits now.
  • 1
    Just let her know you will take a shit on the ground in front of your desk as a loyal hard working employee. I bet she will be happy to hear that bc as we all know, all competent devs shit on the floor like cows on the field.
  • 2
    That sounds like a terrible person to be managed by, friend.
  • 1
    @TeachMeCode brb I am going to vomit.
  • 7
    Sorry John, but vomiting is not tolerated during work hours. Hold it in until the end of your shift. Thank you
  • 0
  • 13
    This is a humble request to you and all other developers who have such managers, punch them in the face and leave the company. The whole staff should just resign at once. Until they stop hiring assholes as managers, let such companies suffer.
  • 4
    @coldfire totally this!
  • 7
    @johnmelodyme Even better, fill your code with all kinds of garbage, that uses 10x more computing, takes 10x time and breaks often, then ghost those assholes. Let there be justice
  • 1
  • 1
    @coldfire yes, dumpster fire justice is the most accessible one!
  • 2
    In order to maximize synergies, you are supposed to use the company provided shit bucket.
  • 1
    @johnmelodyme you mean, holy shift !
  • 1
    I mean people call going to the bathroom “excusing yourself” so yes I is an excuse what is the point of you saying this mr manager? Is this a grammar lesson of some sort?
  • 0
    @black-kite no shift... I need a break.. I hate shifting
  • 0
    @rEaL-jAsE so... Are you trying to say my managers are terrorists? Because they loves bombs.
  • 1
    @C0D4 Wirelessly managed toilets. Now it makes sense!
  • 1
    "What in the bloody fuckery fuck is this?"

    Answer: SPARTAAA!!
  • 1
    @-key wow really 300?
  • 2
    @johnyeahmelodyme yeah, or at least a Leonida's kick may be what this manager is looking for
  • 2
    Some companies like to make workers write a form to go to the bathroom...
    Worked 2 weeks as a temp in one of such companies...
    Boss... To go to the bathroom you must place your name and time on this form.
    Me: if I ever do that is to take a picture and send to Act (gov organism that deals with abuses at work).
    Never signed, took my dump when I had to, no one said a word....
    BTW I left 2 weeks later because they wanted me to work in 4 machines, a temp with no training, each machine had its problems that took time to solve for each product and was gaining minimum wage working at night...

    Btw, same company a few years later fired 200 workers because didn't had money to pay ... While management got a luxury car each.
  • 0
    @-key I wish I can do that
  • 2
    You work as an order picker at Amazon?
  • 1
    This goes two ways, now you can consider this as work no excuses.
    Time to collect your bodily excrement and send it to the company on a daily basis. Don't be cheap and skimp on your valuable output; they own it and let's be honest, it is what they pay you for/deserve.
  • 1
    @Root, I’m sorry for bringing bad news, but this is your future if you do nothing about your life and career.
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  • 2
    @coldfire yeah, then tag it as 10xdevshit
  • 1
    "you can escort me and smell my excuses"
  • 0
    That manager is due for a package sent to their house.
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