
Probably an unpopular opinion here:

I don't use Linux and I genuinely love Windows!

  • 23
    Honestly, I prefere doors.
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    @rusty-hacker I don't use those, what do they do?
  • 18
    shhh you will wake up the Linux Nazis ;P
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    @SHA-256 cause I wanna see how this goes πŸ˜‚
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    @ScribeOfGoD Shit's going down now!
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    We don't fucking careπŸ™‹
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    You know, every statement should be accompanied by reasoning because otherwise the statement is of little value. Care to provide?
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    Most of my team uses Linux. I'm prolly the only one who prefers windows (I do have Linux dual boot) cuz I'm just too lazy to learn Linux and we'll, I already know windows well enough. Also, I play games between coding breaks soo...
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    @kpenc Sure!

    The reason I like Windows is, that you have the possibility to fumble around with it, making it your own and configuring it in whatever way you want. Sky is pretty much the limit. While that is of course also the fact with Linux (and with Linux even more so), you HAVE to do it! There is usually no simple installing it and it just works with Linux. If I want to use it, I have to work for it. If I want to use Windows, I just install it. If I want my Windows to be special in any way, I modify it. But I don't have to!
    Installing programs is the same. In Windows, you double click the .exe and it installs all by itself. In Linux this works too (sometimes) but seeing this kind of simplicity is rare!
    And on MacOS... Well that just works and if it doesn't you can't do anything about it. That's why I don't like it.

    Also I like the improvements they are currently doing with Windows 10. For example the Store is great! UWPs are great! One time coding runs on a lot of devices!
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    I agree with you about the customization part. But ever since I am using software repositories in Ubuntu, I spent a quadrillion times lesser work in installing and updating software.

    Yep, Linux has a steep learning curve and sometimes annoys me to a point where I could punch right through the screen. It has it's many downsides and Windows has become a worthy competitor.
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    @Jop- I think it was maybe 2/3 Years ago. Mainly Kali Linux because I needed that for work. Of course I changed fields which allowed me to switch. There is absolutely no debate that no windows machine ever will do the stuff Kali Linux is made for! For what it was intended, Linux was fine but I wouldn't want to have that as my main OS. Now that I'm a programmer I don't need to anymore...
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    @Jop- I know that. I just have no use for Ubuntu. I don't like it. It feels like it wants to be really user friendly but somehow it isn't really. I can't really explain what the real problem with Ubuntu is, but it doesn't feel intuitive.
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    Win 7 is the best, it can run other VM's like linux and Mac os
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    @sam9669 Why not use Windows 10? It can do everything Win 7 can and more. Hyper-V for example. It's good for running VMs!
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    Linux environment is great for web development, windows won't come even near it
    I also play games which I switch to windows, mainly I use windows for entertainment
    If Linux some day can do those, it's bye bye windows for me
    (I use Linux-mint, win10)
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    <<insert stallman esc. Diatribe regarding proprietary software>>
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    No worries OP
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    Nobody talks about Mac here??? πŸ˜‚
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    Don't feel bad. I've used windows since 3.1, I've tried Linux and Windows is just easier (faults and all). When it breaks, I know how to fix it... When Linux breaks, I'm too drunk to type correctly so I can't fix it
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    @spneshaei Macs are just more expensive landfill
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    I have tried Ubuntu before and it's okay. It's cool. But i can work better in windows. As a frontend developer you just can't use Linux. I'll use a Mac instead. I need Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator in my work. There's no desktopderver by serverpress in Linux, it's just really easy to use... And then there's overwatch (which is my 20 minute coffee break).
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    @Greggergalactic well, I tried Ubuntu. Didn't like it. Also, when installed on my laptop it doesn't recognize the keyboard
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    @ScribeOfGoD there are people who want to see the world burn...
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    If only Windows would be so easy to get going and wouldn't be absolutely destroyed by bugs I would probably use it for a lot more things. But really the reason I use Linux is because it just works. You don't have to install it 8 times because 4 times the installation fails 1 time it kills itself before you can do updates and the other 3 times the drivers don't work. It is just so nerve wrecking.
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    I really don't know why everybody is complaining about windows not working. It ALWAYS worked fine for me, so I don't really understand all the hate.

    I do love both, Windows and Linux. I had a couple of Linux distros (Mint, Linux lite, Ubuntu, ZorinOS, Debian) and, Debian excluded, they all were pretty user-friendly and easy to use.

    I'm currently using Ubuntu 16.04 as my main (and only) OS as I'm pretty happy with it.
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    linux rules, linux ftw !!!
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    @Natrocx You're using Linux for the reasons I use Windows...
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    Well yeah I broke my system with installing a driver wrong (screw me) and I did install Windows 10. Even though there are a few good parts to windows, installation and drivers are certainly not (I could write at least 5 Rants for that but you know I'd rather use my time on trying to fix this shit).
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    And I'm mainly running arch because I had problems with Ubuntu, Debian and any RHL system too. Absolutely love it. Installation takes 10 minutes, works all the time and you have a DE installed and running with 2-3 commands.
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    @ScribeOfGoD oh hey *angrily wakes up* 😜
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    @rabiet I'm with you man 100%. Linux is great no doubt about that but it's the OEMs choice how well it performs in the end. Ive owned two laptops so far and both of them start heating up even with basic workload(Yes I used TLP) . I'm not even going to talk about how fast they discharge. The optimizations are done on Windows. Now with Bash on Ubuntu for Windows there's little reason for using Linux. Just my 2cs.
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    @dontbeevil I don't think using proprietary software is evil, just think it's irresponsible. But hey, that's solely my own opinion so just use whatever suits you!
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    @linuxxx suuuuuuuuh dude
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    @dontbeevil Terminal, yes I use it for idk like 50 percent or so.
    That cookie sounds great though...
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    @dontbeevil applefag. Would rather shoot myself than use windows.
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    @GigabyteDX but you use Mac....... k.....
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    Good for you. I wont judge. (No no no, dont flame me. I dont defend Windows. I use Arch Linux. But let's us all chill out.)
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    I used to be mainly on windows for a long time but nowadays an operating system is just a tool to me as my editor, compiler or interpreter is (depending if I am working on web stuff or c# stuff).
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