"Double quotes" or 'single quotes'??

  • 2
    Double unless i want to paste doubles
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    Depends, I know that in theory in PHP single quotes are slightly more performant because they don't do variable interpolation, which might be relevant I guess?

    On the whole I prefer singles, but I know that's generally an aesthetic thing for me.
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    In C# we use (') for char and (") for string.
  • 1
    If you have the luxury of choice, use single, why bother holding shift key??
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    JavaScript and php also give you freedom of choice
  • 0
    @KnightsOfCode Perl also gives you the same choice as PHP I believe; double does variable interpolation where single doesn't. Not 100% on that though, they might be the same in Perl.
  • 1
    Ruby: Double quotes for interpolation. Single quotes everywhere else.
  • 2
    Single quotes always.

    Double quotes only for html-attributes.
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