Too many people didn't give a chance to MS Edge

  • 33
    I did! It's the best browser for downloading Chrome!
  • 9
    When it was released i actually used it for about 2 weeks. Then i left to chrome. I was missing the extensions support.
  • 11
    After being caught in a forced marriage to IE for so long, before finally being saved by a Chrome knight, I've learned my lesson. I refuse to go back to that abusive bastard, even though he did change his name and get a nose job. Never again will I be his punching bag.
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    @RevThwack You have my respect for having to put up with Internet Explorer, but IE != Edge. Infact, IE is available on Windows 10, but it's hidden.
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    @randomCoder IE was once a fine browser that compared well to it's competition. Do you truly believe that Microsoft has changed from their bad ways? Did you learn the lessons of the browser wars during the late 90's to early 00's?

    Never again will I take steps which could see a return to those days, and drinking the Redmond browser kool-aid is such a step.
  • 4
    I see all these comments hating on Edge, and... Man, if you don't try something yourself, everything you say is just a guess. Internet Explorer was awful, but Edge has quite a performance. And Chrome is not what it used to be. Not trying a new tool because you based your opinion on guesses is bad, cause you may be loosing an opportunity of learning something, enjoying something. Although we're talking about browsers, this also works with life.

    Nazy grammar, sry.
  • 6
    @Jormungandr I've tried Edge a bit as I've had to test websites in it during development, and in my experience, Edge is a lot slower during startup than Chrome, which is my main browser.
    There's also no extensions, the dev tools are horrible, and it still feels like IE, only in a shiny new package.
    Sure, it's a lot better than IE, but that's not really saying much.

    I do however wholeheartedly agree with your point that you should try something before you disregard it.
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    GNU linux ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    I gave it 2 chances! One for fedora download and one more in my pentest VM!
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    Edge is quite decent to browse the web but still needs work to catch up with Chrome and Firefox. Last time I checked it took 15+ seconds to open the developer tools. But at least it's not Safari.
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    For me I'm liking Firefox lately. Though I still depend on Chrome for 99% of my browsing. And only use MS edge when i have tons of tabs saved on both chrome and Firefox and not in the mood of unleashing hell and open any of them 🤓
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    @Jasey Can't wait to download the Creators update! P.S. (to everyone) Edge has extensions (since the Anniversary update).
  • 1
    @randomCoder one thing I noticed, even though I have SSD for two years but after creators update that things boots faster and works faster. I hope I'm not dreaming 🤤
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    @gitpush Could it be that you didn't use to have fast startup enabled?
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    Micro$oft lost it, the day they released IE. No self respecting tech person will ever touch a browser from M$, made from scratch or not.
  • 1
    @rayanon Why not? The beauty of the technology world is that it's always changing, contrary to the rest of the world. Also, in my opinion, tech persons have the tendency to think outside the box (think programming, problem solving...), instead of following the crowd.
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    @randomCoder because of track record of Microsoft. It's not about following the crowd, it's about not trying to find diamonds in a pile of shit (once you detect/realize the shit).
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    @rayanon That's a valid point, but I still encourage everyone to actually try out the browser before making their decision.
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    @randomCoder why would anyone? It's not like they are offering unprecedented or new shiny things. In fact they are late to the party and still is lacking compliance to standards. Why would anyone ever give it a chance when you already have Chrome and Firefox?

    Edit: you know why you think people should try and then make their decision? Because it's a goddamn M$ product, they have injected that M$ shit so much into the dev community. Had it been a browser by any random shop which is lacking in standards and overall okay-ish, nobody would have ever fucking looked at it.
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    @rayanon Extended battery life and keeping your computer as lightweight as possible
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    @randomCoder Firefox is much much lighter on memory, network and battery.
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    @rayanon It all comes down to preference
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    Is it available on GNU/Linux? #ifnotbyebye
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    I can't stand chrome, but still use it. Its brainwashed me into thinking it works although it uses all my memory for 2 tabs.
    You sacrifice computer stability for speed opening a browser.
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    IE5 - IE6 - IE7 - IE8 - IE9 - IE10

    That's SIX Chances...


    ...only IE6 and IE7

    If you were a non .NET web dev, you would hate all MS Browsers aka IE/Edge #cptObvious
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    @thureos Firefox / Chromium / Opera
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    @randomCoder this will explain faster boot only and not overall speed improvements
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    It's a pretty good thing when you get this instead of IE, my company (they haven't anything to do with coding) only allows us to use Edge or IE.. Maybe it's because surfing while work, would be too much fun with Chrome... 🤔
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    @Or13N Ubuntu 16.04
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    @randomCoder ive never ever heard "... cant wait do download a windows update..." and i think i never will again :D
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    I really like the edge browser, but my top browser is and will be firefox. i really got used to NoScript and only the idea of changing from having control over the scripts to another browser gives me cancer
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    Hey I gave it a try... It stopped working while loading skype web service.
    MS products hate each other.
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