When you are told "JS is not a real language"

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    Cries in HTML...
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    JS is a real language but it is probably the language they wrote the necronomicon in.
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    @adhdeveloper 😂 not bad this one
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    Obligatory quote: ~"Fuck off savages" (may not be exact quote)
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    Well, it isn't a good language... But it definitely (and sadly) is a real language for sure.

    And at the end it doesn't matter anyways as everything is code - what you think is code, the comments, the config, the user input, the data... all code interpreted by (hopefully non-wierd) machines or (hopefully non-wierd) humans maintaining these machines.
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    CSS is better because it has ~variables~
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    Dude I fixed backend glitches with just css.
    Get yourself together.
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    @melezorus34 why my tablet no hover dropdown infinity submenu. Why?
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    @karma psh I write my CSS in SQL, get on my level
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    @fullstackclown well, I have mySQL push them CSS to github lols.
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    i think "js is not a real language" is as precise and exact of an expression of the idea that "js is a shit language", as precise and exact any js code is expression of whatever that code was supposed to be/do.
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    @melezorus34 does css have variables now ?!
    Why ?
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    Fuk u then, vanillah
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    If u can't do it in JS, don't do it in other JS framework
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    @AvatarOfKaine so you can change color pallette via one statement change instead of using "Find and Replace" everytime and hope you don't change something else to purple
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    “Real language” is quite subjective. I don’t like JS, but there are times where it’s the right choice. Are we all supposed to write everything in assembly? Might as well get out our stone tablets because typing isn’t “real”, only chiseling letters into stone is “real”.
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    @AvatarOfKaine cos nobody truly needed them
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