Recruiters are seriously the biggest pests in existence. They are such a useless middle man. They take a big lump sum of cash just to facilitate an employment opportunity for someone that is more than capable to facilitate it themselves. Plus they are huge pests and harass you. Am I crazy? Why do recruiters exist. Surely their entire industry is bad for the economy.

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    Bullshit jobs exist to keep the economy from collapsing. If you cut them, unemployment rises to twenty percent or more and society would have to admit that the classic model of gainful employment just can't work for everyone. The working majority would then opt for letting that damn freeloaders starve while the starving twenty percent would be enough people to just burn everything down in a dragged out civil war.

    So bullshit jobs actually just exist to avoid having to implement basic income. It definitely wastes more resources and accellerates the ongoing terraforming project - but not having to admit that there just isn't enough work well-suited for a part of the population seems to be well worth it somehow...
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