There is a new rule in my company starting from Monday.
08:00AM (Monday Only) - Company Meeting
09:00 AM (Daily) - Department Standup Meeting
09:30 AM (Daily) - Send Email to GM and PM about your ToDo's for Today.

If you are not able to finish your ToDo for that day then we need to explain to the GM question WHY

  • 2
    That sounds horrible
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    Wrote a script to send ToDo's automatically that's records all the data you use for storing via the alexa/cortana/siri/Google home via your voice notes
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    30 minutes stand up meeting? Isn't contradictionary to the entire meeting that it shouldn't last so long. Of course I don't know how many employees there are but still. Sorry man for all those meetings
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    He should be a headhunter 😂🤣
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    @pareion they should be super short, yeah, and I believe the theory is that overly long stand ups indicate that for team is too big.
  • 2
    Just quit..
  • 1
    @Zaphod65 long standups are for big or bad teams true, we had a 15 mins timeframe and mostly took 4-8 minutes with a team size of 10
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    Reason for not completing my TODOs: had to write the reason why I could not finish them
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  • 1
    @prantostic you mean "scum"?
  • 1
    @-eth No!
    It's a agile framework for the completion of complex projects!
    Relates to the situation you are facing , although more complex!
  • 0
    @prantostic lol, I know, I was joking about the situation depicted here 😜
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