  • 8
    <Alert message=“Goodbye, awful world.” />

    Yeah yeah JSX.
  • 1
    Lol. Yup that’s life right there.
  • 3
    @Root I honestly cannot wait until they add the one thing necessary to do loops or calc a number in html. Game over bitches! People get so upset about this.

    I guess there are places where html cannot run scripts, but for web scripts (JS) are ubiquitous.
  • 2
    My code is clean without a single bug
  • 1
    @Demolishun even if they did, it's still hyper text markup language.

    Markup language.

    There, I said it.

    Can I now get the sexy waiter please with the good food and expensive beverages?
  • 3
    @dIREsTRAITS your code is even headless 😏

    @Root html sucks, let's put it inside JS like we did a decade ago and call it "modern"
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    Someone studied the fancy words dictionary :-P
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    @dIREsTRAITS how headless of you)
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    @C0D4 Ugh, JSX bullshit is needlessly put in different holes: even TypeScript config provides an "option" for it. Dumpster fire of coupling. Uncompiled HTML-in-JS is even better (for worse).

    So far, only Vue and Svelte component file formats make sense to me.
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    @vintprox Do you mean the svelte that decides which parts of your code should be reactive based on what you assign to a variable, thus making a lot of supposedly isomorphic transformations non-isomorphic? At least JSX is thin syntax sugar over a trivial object model, not fucking transpiler black magic that turns valid JavaScript into valid JavaScript that does something else.
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    more like "watching as people realize i'm a moron"

    go ahead, program me anything in html.

    even fizzbuzz.
    go ahead.
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    Trigger Recursion
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    well, html IS a way better programming language than JS will ever be.
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    @tosensei I agree! HTML is a great language that’s slowly dying out with the rise of drag and drop interfaces.
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    Also, there is this guy, who is either trolling or thinks the wording is imprecise:

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    oops, your program doesn't work for any other input value because the language you used doesn't support that kind of feature.

    which is exactly what makes it not a programming language.
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