
What do you do when you're stuck??

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    pair programming, rubber duck or go get a coffee
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    Depends on the problem type:
    No mental energy - take a break. Nap. Game. Tv. Coffee.

    Can't find the problem, a.k.a a head scratcher - Review assumptions, reduce complexity, isolate the problem, throw the assumptions out, and test everything.
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    I do something else for a bit and let the problem percolate in my mind. Work on another task, get a coffee, talk to a coworker, browse reddit even though I'm probably not supposed to, etc. I usually have fresh ideas when I come back to the issue.
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    Start formulating a question for StackOverflow. Until it meets their requirements, I will most likely have found the solution by myself.
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    Call my stepbro
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    So the other day i was stuck, went to stackoverflow, got downvoted. Switched to youtube 4h later search for a video which might include the same proccess, tap on 3h video, indian guy randomly showcases my problem at 1h sth where i skipped to (randomly) , fixed :)
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    Question my life choices
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    @jackpearce great idea! that's what I'm doing atm! Lol
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    @osq-ppp I wish it was just an idea, that would mean I wouldn't do it every fucking 5 minutes ^^'
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    Nothing, Im stuck
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    pull my panties down
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    Post the problem online in a relevant forum. By the time you are done typing it out and framing (or reframing) the problem in your mind you will have figured it out. Might be a few minutes after posting. Forcing yourself to describe the problem to someone else usually unstucks your thinking. If not someone else might have a take on this issue.
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    Depends where I’m at.
    WFH: hit my desk, yell at the screen and whine until I finally get around to politely asking a colleague for help via slack.
    At the office: turn to a colleague and politely ask for help
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    Press u and w and compile until it “work”
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    go to sleep
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    @kiki If I would do this I would be kicked out sexual harassmenet xD (working in the office)
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    If I’m stuck I’ll just do something else for a while, if I’m hard stuck it can take me sometimes days to go back to the problem, usually not more than 3 but yeah. Work on something else or if you can’t browse stuff/ relax in the meantime, tunnel vision doesn’t help with problem solving
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    Divide and conquer my friend, divide and conquer
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    Shower. That works like magic for me in finding solutions. Luckily we have to shower rooms in our office too.
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