It's a config file. This is illegal.

  • 7
    Fucking PHP.

    It never changes.
  • 3
    Da fuck lol, who does this
  • 2
    CloudConfig. Php version (y)

    I see you got a fun project ;)
  • 4
    At least these are prep-statements, and not sprintf'ed sql queries 😁
  • 21
    The fucking German boolean, I'm dead
  • 5
    PHP is flexible. You can't blame it for the apparent abhorrent trash monkey of a developer who took this route
  • 4
    This looks beautiful, maybe we should compare notes some time.

    Ever seen an e-commerce built a mixture of procedural, functional and a couple of classes?

    I don't know what you're complaining about, this thing uses static classes for crying you loud, that's miles ahead of the trash bin I reluctantly let live.
  • 8
    I found a similar treasure 2 days ago….
  • 3
    @PonySlaystation @lbfalvy @C0D4 German Engineering™️ or as I called it in my old company: "Brauchbar zusammenprogrammiert in Germany".
  • 4
    @sariel blame the coder not the language
  • 0
    @djeddiej I have seen so much code like this in PHP from so many developers.

    It's because the language doesn't have a standard configuration that meets the needs of app development today.
  • 1
    @C0D4 Send code, you have my attention

    @KALALEX oh fuck!

    @nitwhiz Haha and lots of wrong words in english like "verificated"... hingeschissener code
  • 0
    @sariel what kind of standards are you looking for ? I am language agnostic , so curious … :)
  • 2
    @sariel it most certainly does, most PHP devs just don't go out of their way to find them, nor does the typically YouTuber suggest learning them, or they've relied on Wordpress's docushitation as the original reference on how the language should be used.

    How to use the language:

    How to test shit:

    What the other 2 don't cover:
  • 1
    @KALALEX yo. This is worst
  • 1
    SQL could, on its own, make a query to check if that exists already. Why abstract it through code ?
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