Ah the classic "Grau Dunkel 70". I know exactly what hex code that is. Thanks, design team!

Fuck you.

  • 3
    according to ddg it's this
  • 2
    i also like the little trashcan there
  • 3
    I always tell designers I'm goddamn CGA-blind (can only see in 16 colors).

    For fuck's sake, all designer tools I've seen show colors in hex or RGB.

    If they don't give them to you as such, they are definitely 🤡
  • 4
    @CoreFusionX welcome to my team!

    If lined up, we'd look like this:

  • 5
    Update, turns it is a shade of gray.... BUT WITH 70% OPACITY.

    I turn around and ask design team: "what happens to the color when it is on a different background?"

    design team: ...

    fullstackclown: yeah fuck you and come back later when you have a bigger brain idea
  • 4
    god my life is literally drawing 4 red lines but with blue ink
  • 1
    Grau Dunkel 70 obviously means 70% of the "normal" gray color. 😆
    It’s a classic indeed.
  • 2
    And there are so many Grays that you can almost index them directly by their brightness from 0 to 255
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