
I know angular but not react or nextjs. Should i learn nextjs or react first? Since nextjs uses react and adds additional features

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    Use Blazor targeting WebAssembly instead. Or look into Rust targeting WebAssembly.

    I’ve never worked with Rust, but it looks amazing.

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    Nextjs is not finished. Learn remix first. Also angular is the worst spa framework I have ever worked with
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    @h3rp1d3v i have to learn react and nextjs because web3 supports them the most. Dont get me started on web3 im not here to fight around it
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    @robbietoppert there is no man on the planet who hates javascript more than i do. My whole life ive been avoiding to learn javascript react and anything involving Javascript but now i came to the point in my life where i hit a wall and cant continue progression and build what i need to build without learning react and nextjs
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    @b2plane what limits you to javascript? Existing code bases or annoying managers?

    You mention Web3, would a rust app not work in a Web3 world? (I have no knowledge about Web3 lol)
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    @robbietoppert i hate js as the language syntax itself. The fact that i have to code everything manually in a web app has too much complications and error cases to cover. Cant be arsed about that. But perhaps that was back in 2012 era when no js frameworks existed where i was learning vanilla JS that got me frustrated. Today, it has evolved into frameworks which i can handle now, in context of "I'll still avoid it if i can (for example choose flutter over react) but if i cant avoid it, i will learn it" whereas i can't be bothered to learn vanilla JS at all no matter how much you pay me. Typescript language is something i surprisingly like because it reminds me of java syntax, and i grew up in the era where java was the most popular which became my favorite language and therefore it makes it easier for me to write JS but in typescript using a framework such as angular that im surprisingly good at and enjoy

    Rust is used to build backend solana web3 apps. But you still need a frontend
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    @kaki almost all projects use react or nextjs so i have to inherit or build upon it because of certain libraries available only for it and not svelte
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    You can build front ends in rust. See egui for example. (https://www.egui.rs)
    Or yew (https://yew.rs).

    I get that you’re choosing JavaScript (or Typescript, which is the same thing with some syntactic sugar and a “compiler” which is a transpiler that fails you often) because it’s familiar. But if you’ve got time and feel up for a challenge I would shake it up and opt out of JS.

    I want to learn rust in the hope I can one day leave JS behind 🥲
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    I quit my last React job mid-2020 after being totally fed up with custom DSL's, bad API decisions leading to breaking changes and complete paradigm shifts (looking at you: Redux, React hooks, CSS-in-JS, class components). I even preferred building a boring PHP GQL API after that.

    Now I've been working with Node + express + TS + static site gen. & bootstrap on FE. It's a boring, simple stack, but it provides the greatest flexibility and anyone with basic JS + web knowledge can understand it
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    As a junior you're like "Wow I just write v-bind:$listeners and useState and the magic Somehow makes everything work". React lost me when they decided to have onChange be an alias for onInput (still wtf).

    As a senior I'm like: "Hmm magic huh? Guess I'm never going to use that shit".
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    Angular sucks
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    Oh god. Everyone recommending a different framework. I dont even do web front but heck i wouldnt want to learn x frameworks which all supposedly are better than then other
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    I'd focus on expanding good practices in web development instead of learning the bare minimum in a ton of frameworks that do the same thing
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