
1. Fix climate change and the environment in general
2. End corporate coercion and social inequality
3. Cure all mental illnesses

Is that too much to ask for?

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    Me and a friend of mine were talking about climate change, and she asked sarcastically:
    “How fucking long does it take the US to actually change for the better?!?”

    I then told her back,
    “It might be a bit longer than you expect, just ask black people”
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    The pendulum is shifting. It won't be what you expect. People won't stand for the evil anymore.
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    Definitely yes. We can't even stop killing each other so how could we achieve all that?
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    Personally I'd add a few things that kind of form the basis of much the cause of these things
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    Wave if you're real still
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    1. Build a fluxcapacitor

    2. Invent infinite energy

    3. Make catgirls a reality

    "Come on guys, how hard can it be??"
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    On a more serious note, this is just low effort virtue signaling
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    @12bitfloat We are hurtling through space as a galaxy at millions of miles per hour. We are also flying around the rim of the milky way. We are also flying around the sun at 63K mph or something ridiculous. If we cannot figure out how to make a dynamo that takes advantage of that then we deserve to die as a species.
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    @Demolishun I get what you're saying but come on. "If we cannot create energy from literal rocks and sand, transport it across the globe to be used by almost atomically small highly sophisticated machines we deserve to die"

    Come on bro. This hip modern anti human-ism doesn't help anyone. We're doing fucking great in the great scheme of things
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    @12bitfloat What happens to the human race if we cannot satisfy our needs for energy that is compatible with protecting our home? We are already making a mess.
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    @Demolishun Well either we'll figure it out and/or adapt or we're fucked. I think we are already on a pretty good trajectory for preserving the planet (maybe minus china)

    I mean we have only been aware that we have a global ecological impact like 60-70 years ago. That is *nothing* in the bigger picture. Our ancestors have burned wood and coal for hundreds of thousands of years. Of course on a *much* smaller scale but still. I'm pretty sure we'll figure it out
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    @12bitfloat I hope so. I am not convinced we have not already figured it out. But when someone already controls energy production they have power and they will protect themselves.
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    @Demolishun Yeah it's definitely not a solved issue. But I think we are and have been for decades moving into the right direction. When were fluorocarbons outlawed? Must have been like 20-30 years ago. Just like many other very ecologically harmful things have been banned or improved.

    We always like looking at how seemingly horrible it's going, but if you look at it holistically it's actually pretty confidence inspiring how fast we're improving

    Except china. Becuase fuck china
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    @12bitfloat amusingly I was thinking something along the lines of that aloud just now and a decade or so ago
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    @Demolishun those energy are impossible to be used, because we and everything we have are stuck to earth. Also outer space is empty, there is nothing to capture/utilize as energy as we hurl across space.
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    @12bitfloat I came here to say the same thing.
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    @daniel-wu Space has a ton of resources. The asteroid belt alone could supply us with all the metals we’ll ever need.
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    @phat-lasagna yeah since inside their own population there were people working to set them back years for pay
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    @stackodev just a tad expensive to get those metals back
    Hear you though I fantasized about launching automated miners and smelters to Mars

    Heat rust you get iron
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    1. The key to this is to end animal agriculture. Are you willing to stop consume animal products? - No.. 2. Are you willing to distribute equally the means you got from your own idea ? - I guess No. 3. Are you willing to support a system which takes away the childcare from crazy parents? I guess No.
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    @stackodev I am not certain LENR is not a thing. Ever since I saw the political garbage spewed by the high energy physicists (fuck you Hawking) I lost most respect for them.
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    Ending inequality always results in man made horrors beyond comprehension. The aim should be to raise the lower bar instead of making everyone equally miserable
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    When I was a newly-minted college student (back when Sir Isaac Newton was still alive), I was required to take a science disciplines survey class. The focus was what they were then calling “global warming”. I was eagerly drinking it in.

    At the end of the course, the science dean entered the room and announced that we all needed to be on board with the “consensus” of the planet warming due to human activity alone so that the university could get dat sweet bag from government research grants.

    That’s when I knew it was all a lie and I never believed anything I was told about it since. It was all powers-that-be and whoring for cash. And the same goes for COVID and defense research and every other corruption of what should pure science.

    That, regardless of whatever excuses you want to make for it, is NOT science.
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    It won't happen. It can't happen. You know why? Because we can't do anything without either screwing someone else over, or someone else screwing us over. We're banning fosil fuels because we worry about the environment, meanwhile we're doing nothing to help those who can only afford an old beaten diesel truck and then we wonder where all the inequality comes from. We're supporting increased regulations on everything to "protect the most vulnerable", and then act surprised when small businesses go under because they can no longer keep up with the regulations. Besides, a whole lot of people get money to try and solve all those problems, do you think it's in their best interest to actually solve them, or do they prefer superficial actions so they can keep their positions indefinitely?
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    @stackodev Consensus has never been a good measure of anything. The consensus in germany was that Nazism was good. There used to be a consensus that the Sun went around the Earth.

    I started looking into the claims. They didn't hold water and it all lead to people like Gore making a shit ton of money. Then you look at Gore's house. The damn thing sucks power like a small city. He doesn't give a fuck about the planet. Politicians are really good at projection. They blame other people for the shit they are doing. A huge sector of science and medicine (probably every else) is all driven by politics and getting more green from people. Look at 2021 and 2022. Its all about getting money from people and transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy. They have been selling a product to governments that doesn't even fucking work.
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    @Demolishun The fact that the biggest environmental busybodies in politics and entertainment all fly around in private jets and have multiple homes tells me all I need to know about the alleged climate “crisis”. Are too many people encroaching on too few and fragile resources? Sure. Cities are a STUPID idea and they’re the main cause of all issues. Then the city people come to rural areas and complain about the locals messing things up while also buying up their own share of real estate to import big city living and conveniences. Makes me so mad I could piss nails.
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