Interviewer: So are you familiar with our company and what we do?

Dev: I looked at your website, looks like you build tools for managing restaurants.

Interviewer: No. That’s not even close.

Dev: ?

Interviewer: What we do is create an ecosystem of integrated data centres all orchestrated for immediate stakeholder utilization.

Dev: But the product itself…. it’s a user interface for tracking inventory. Of like…. burgers…. and bottles of wine.

Interviewer: It’s not a product! It’s a data……habitat!!

Dev: …

Dev: So does that make your users animals?

Interviewer: 😑. Unfortunately it looks like you do not see our vision and would not be a good fit for this role.

Dev: Agreed.

  • 17
    Fuck that πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • 20
    What a pretentious retard
  • 16
    @iiii that company must be a habitat for pretentious retards :)
  • 11
    Who TF even talks like that?

    Heh, did they mean steakholders? Are they eating people?!
  • 12
    @Demolishun the OP should have realised the interviewer was referring to people holding onto their food in restaurants i.e. steakholders
  • 25
    This is the same herd who change their job title on LinkedIn from "backend developer" to "making the world a better place every day by coding beautiful, elegant solutions to moral conundrums."

    If the marketing department is allergic to calling a spade a spade, fair enough. If that bollocks proliferates through to people who actually need to do the work, then I wouldn't even consider it.
  • 12
    That is why you shouldn't let marketing do the tech interviews...
  • 6
    WTF is a data habitat, LMAO.
  • 3
    “Making a world a better place through an ecosystem of integrated data centres all orchestrated for immediate stakeholder utilization”

    Perfect. Pitch that to Gavin Belson and we're done.
  • 5
    @daniel-wu it's where data naturally proliferates and lives before we capture them for exploitation... somewhere in the Australian wildland I reckon.
  • 6
    @PepeTheFrog Images of frolicking database field values in the outback. lol
  • 8
    Oh, give me a home where the byte types roam
    Where the bools and the integers play
    Where seldom is flipped a discouraging bit
    And the servers are in the cloud all day
    Home, home in the *data habitat*
    Where the bools and the integers play
    Where seldom is flipped a discouraging bit
    And the servers are are in the cloud all day
  • 5
    @jeeper Fell out of bed laughing this morning after reading this. Thanks man, really cheered me up
  • 1
    Curious: which role did this interviewer have?
    obviously not a dev πŸ˜† but was it HR, PM, team manager or a vague general "boss"?

    Just wondering cause my guess is that the only ones who could have such lofty and vague ideas about what their product does are those most distant from day to day product development
  • 1
    @jiraTicket HR in this case
  • 2
    @boombodies Makes sense. 😒Such a bummer. The actual team could be realistic down to earth people, but they're screwed by some HR person who has very little involvement with the product.
  • 3
    Honourable mention to service based companies presenting building software/apps for their clients as their *vision*. No bitch that's not vision that's you getting paid for building software for others just like millions of other companies like you out there.
  • 0
  • 0
    Thanks I needed that
    I'm not a developer of applications
    I'm a software engineer supporting a career lifestyle on a storyline leading to the finish line lmao
  • 0
    And everything I do is worth so many story points that let's the product owner know how close I am to having my carriage revert to a pumpkin
  • 0
    And did I just hear a mouse singing a about cultural integration in a foreign land ?
  • 1
    Oh such dreams that singing mouse has lol
  • 2
    @ethernetzero don’t forget they’re also SoMoLo. Or are they MoLoSo?
  • 1
    Think your taking home a W and dodging a bullet on this interview.
  • 1
    Well, good luck finding an experienced developer who still gives enough fucks to pretend he/she sees your vision.
  • 1
    @iiii should be screw that fucking piece of fucking shit πŸ‘Œ
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