I don't see the jobs.

-- I added them.

I don't see the "app-name".

-- Well, I have added them via an abbreviation "an".

Why though? That's so confusing. Why would I look for that? Assume I am a new employee. I would not know what it means.

-- You'll get used to it.

I. DON'T. WANT. TO. GET. USED. TO. IT. Why would you waste time by hiding necessary information behind non-saying abbreviation? Clarity counts.


  • 0
    Well, I don't understand the context, but the intent is clear. Make things unclear intentionally and make it a norm
  • 2
    Just fyi, imho this lgtm! right?
  • 0
    Despite the fact, that it's nothing to get used to. There usually is no limitation to a variable names length, so that's not the problem. And it's generally a very bad idea to abbreviate *anything*, unless said abbreviations are widely accepted (such as "Http" or any other protocol name). As you said: clarity counts

    And how exactly did he ended up getting that job in the first place?
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