Hate Ai all you want but this is low key what a lot of us have been waiting for.

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    Artists and designers just don't get the technology utopia thing.
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    @Oktokolo yeah they don’t I that’s ok I guess. That said Ai art is arguably pretty bad tho. But I’m all for Ai building me a front end.
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    No thank you.

    At best, the AI will be an annoying and half baked autocomplete. I already mute most "helpful" code assistance features in my IDEs because they get in the way at every turn or slow everything to a crawl.

    At worst, it will completely do away with my job.

    Don't think that human written code that does the job right, but costs a pretty penny can stand against a half baked AI solution that works by attrition but costs pennies compared to yours.
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    AI is not replacing anyone just yet. That's my actual sentiment
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    @DreEleven While there is pretty bad AI art out there - there also is pretty awesome stuff and AI enables people like me to "make" art they want too.

    I can't draw - but i can tell an AI what i want a picture of. Sure i have to try multiple different phrases and iterate over them a bit. It also may in the end take longer than if a skilled artist would do it. But in comparison to not being able to do it at all and then getting the results for dirt cheap, that is a huge improvement. And the finally selected results do look as good as the human-made ones. There are still some things, AI struggles to get right - but it is already good enough for commercial use.
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    @Oktokolo yeah I see how great it is for those who can’t draw or paints. And while I do see is getting better, in its current state some of the results can come off as a bit lifeless, like there’s something missing. I’ve been an admirer of art for a while now so I guess that’s my own biases showing.
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    If AI can do my job for me, then I can have more vacations. Sadly, that's not going to happen yet. Being able to show code snippets or fix code snippets is meaningless. It will be a good AI if it can analyze my current project consisting of more than a million line of codes, and continue adding features as clients want.
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    I think we just want to reach that sweet spot where AI can nearly automate our jobs BUT while retaining a pretty bad perception in the public eye. As in "we need developers because AI is just not there yet and it can barely do about 5% of what we need it to do" (while in reality being able to do about 75-80%."
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    @oiledwheels I'm also not prepared, in fact most of us aren't. And whatever alternative job we'll have to pick, you can bet it will be horsecrap, because everything nice will be automated or saturated

    Everyone who think it will be a perfect utopia with more vacations and leisury time, do yourself a favor and take as a good resolve for this beginning of the year to quit smoking whatever drug you're on. Capitalism will ruin everything, as it always does
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