
Who thinks that noisy mechanical keyboard is a smart idea in an open office?

I think I'll go mad by the end of the month...

  • 7
    It's not noise, it's music
  • 4
    Fight back. Buy yourself a decent mechanical keyboard. You'll love it.
  • 1
    I am used to it. Do not even hear it anymore. I used to live in a town with 747's descending for landing 1000 feet overhead and even though my house shook I did not hear them after a while. Plus I could wave to the passengers and they would wave back! āœˆļøšŸ›©šŸ›«šŸ›¬
  • 4
    You should definitely try it yourself. If the guy knows how to type, and knows how to program, you can almost hear code while it flows trough his keyboard. It's beautiful...
  • 3
    It's soothing. I'll sometimes play mechanical keyboard ASMR videos instead of music while I code.
  • 2
    Headphones dude, headphones šŸ˜
  • 4
    @Jumpshot44 envy you.
    I would love to live near the airport even though my parents will hate me.
    And the international airport in korea is in an island... Not many houses there....
  • 2
    @CozyPlanes You really like noisy airports??? I've been to a beach village close to Incheon airport some years ago, not so bad there.
  • 4
    @DivByZero yup. I am an avgeek... One of my bucket list is filming airplanes in view deck (4f I guess...) for 24 hrs timelapse and living there for a day
  • 2
    I will never stop using mechanical Keyboards, i dont like the "cool" flat thingies.
  • 1
    @Salmakis True, it's like typing on wet toilet paper
  • 0
    @ddephor I love this suggestion šŸ˜ƒ
  • 3
    @pajaja this is such a great description. So cool if we could do the exercise of analysing the frequency of the clicking to guess the coding language.
    Ohhh, and be extra aware and even notice when the dev makes a mistake: "excuse me, i noticed, by the frequency of the clicks, that you we're typing a condition, but that pause after the 4th click is, most probably, a mistake because you might have had to travel a bit far, maybe 2 keys away from what you should have typed" (forgive the inaccuracies, i could elaborate about travel times, but just wanted to make a point)
  • 1
    cant live with out it .. have a cpl @ home and one @ work
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