
how much money do you earn per month/year?

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    almost enough
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    about thiiiiiis much
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    a bit more than enough
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    4500,-/month before taxes for 5+ years experience. Python

    Why is everybody so shy about this on an anonymous forum?
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    @retoor I'm moving to ur place... but the lang...I'm getting 'bout 1024 ( 1022 by current rates ) 4 10+ exp...
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    1500eur/month after taxes. Most say I'm underpaid, but this is the only fully WFH Rust position I can get
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    11k Month AUD before taxes and sacrifices.

    Creeping up on the 10 year mark with current company.
    Gone from < 4K / month when I started.🥲

    @retoor no idea.

    Hi boss, see you in stand up tomorrow 🫶
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    @retoor The country/region/city would be interesting for context.

    Me: roughly 100k in Switzerland per year
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    @fjmurau Netherlands
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    5.400€ before taxes, WFH, 40h/week, 30 days vacation, “unlimited” sick leave, Germany near Hamburg
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    Enough :)

    Around 6k gross
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    600$ a month. Waiting for feedback for offers from 3 companies. Still got a few more interviews left. Todays one of them. Hoping to get a minimum 1500$ offers
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    @alexbrooklyn where the fuck do you people live to get paid so much
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    @lastNick how the fuck. I cant imagine earning 5.4k a month. I'd feel like a multimillionaire ffs
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    @fjmurau what the fuck. How? I earn 7200$ a YEAR. And now im hoping to be LUCKY enough to earn 18k A YEAR
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    @b2plane Germany or near ( not all of them, but most )
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    @HitWRight ok 1500 is reasonable. I thought i was the only one THIS poor. Still am. But aiming for 1500. Cant believe there arent more devs earning 1500 or less. Feels like im brutally fucking scammed
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    @We3D thats such shit bro what the fuck. How do these other people earn 4k 5k 10k+ while we have the same years of experience and still get paid like TRASH. THIS SOME BULLSHIT SCAM
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    @b2plane the Netherlands, but don't be mistaken, rent is high (housing crisis) and inflation doesn't help
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    @b2plane that's the down side to every nation being on its own pay scale.

    Every dev should be worth a lot more than what a lot of underprivileged nations pay, and it's bloody disgusting that; thats how the world works.

    Not sure how long you've been working for, but go back 16 years and I was on 1200 / month max, which was below minimum wage here at the time working 60+ hours a week.

    A couple of jobs ago I was the sole dev for a small firm, working 15+ hour days and making around 6k / month.

    I've busted my balls through my career to get where I am, and I don't regret it.

    The pay doesn't dictate the experience for a lot of people, fuck go compare me to some US folk and I'm one poor mofo 😅

    There's always a bigger pay check, its just a matter of finding it.
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    @b2plane we just live in poor countries + the factor that everyone tries to underpay u w/ any shit reason they can think of ;)
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    @b2plane don't feel so bad. just wait for some indian guy to convert his salary in euro or $ and you'll feel rich again ;)
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    that said and like @alexbrooklyn mentioned, the salary itself won't give you enough info to make a real comparison. you have to account for housing, transport ( if you work in an office ), food cost, taxes and what not to be able to get the real diff
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    @retoor 4500 what - dollar, euro, rubel, yen, seashells?

    also: because even with currency, a blank number doesn't say much. how much it "actually" is strongly depends on where you live (both globally or locally). so personally i think subjective descriptions are more useful.

    plus: working situations can be complicated. i work for two employers and only part-time, for example, so neither the raw brutto or netto-numbers are meaningful in themselves.

    but if you want a more detailed description: i have enough that i don't have to look at my everyday spendings at all, while going for a little splurge every then and now, and i'm more often than not surprised how much i've got left every month, savings included.
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    @Jedidja has the Force left u? just don't go to the dark side, I've heard they got even more cookies
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    @tosensei beautiful euro's
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    @b2plane how much can you get out for dinner / bars with your salary? Maybe more than I do.
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    @retoor depends. A very delicious meal in a good restaurant is about 15$ in my city. But in capital city its more expensive about 20-25$. Thats because of dumbass inflation. And it keeps rising because of it
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    @retoor well, i get paid in regular euros. do beautiful ones buy you other stuff? ;)
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    @b2plane Where do you live? In Switzerland, a good dinner in a good restaurant costs 100 USD.
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    I live in India. I get paid INR 50K (USD 611.86) per month for my full time job.

    I have 3 clients that combined make me about INR 65K (USD 800) per month.

    Total - INR 115K (USD 1450) roughly. Permanent WFH situation.
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    @Sid2006 what do you mean you have clients? As a freelancer or you work 9-5?
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    You guys earn money?
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    1. you shouldn't assume anonymity

    2. absolute numbers say less than relative (eventual) expression. 600€ in Switzerland and 600€ in India are very VERY different.
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    Same as @alexbrooklyn, net about 3.9k. live in the same place as @retoor.

    That's for over 15 years of experience.
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    @b2plane here you can rent a 4by4 room for your entire salary. For €10-15 you get an appetizer. A main course is about €22-€36.
    I'm still well off and earn above average.

    I also know that I take about 4 people to replace me (that's what happened when I left my previous company, two fixed Devs and two specialized contractors).
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    After taxes, rent , and other expenses I have the equivalent of around 2,500 usd left / month. But I blew around 10k in the last 4 months on some stuff. Gonna start saving much more from now.
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    I've reached the "middle class" tax income bracket in mainland Europe. Something I had no hope in reaching in the UK. Quite happy with my pay finally. I can now afford to live and to actually do a few things.
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    @ars1 One of the best bits of advice I was given was to treat my savings as a mortgage bill. A large chunk (about 400) goes out at the start of every month in to a savings account. I still use my main account to buy ridiculous things, but only with whatever is left after bills have gone out. That means nearly 5k goes in to savings automatically per year plus whatever else I feed in to it during the year.
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    @ojt-rant i normally save around 60% of my income. It has been a special situation lately due to a bunch of reasons, but I expect it to go back to usual this year.
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    @ars1 Nice, most I can save per month is about 45% my salary but I always make sure a set amount goes in no matter what. It usually means the last week of every month leaves me with very little in the normal account so it keeps me on my toes.
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    @retoor devrant is not anonymous, it's pseudonymous at best.
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    @retoor It's not really anonymous, becaus of metadata and all rants are indexed by GoogleBot and other crawlers.
    Just search for some rant text and you'll see.
    If you link your Github on your DevRant profile, they have your email (in commits).
    gg 😄
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    [Tap to view]

    *Dr Evil theme* do do dododo dododo
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    3300€/mo (before taxes) - and yes, that’s seriously underpaid for my position (de facto principal security engineer) in Finland. Like seriously in a scale that it should, to my understanding, be about doubled.

    Should be temporary situation, though, as me switching roles happened more or less ex tempore and we haven’t had the time yet to have a 1-on-1 with boss person to get this amended. Should be this month, tho. Fingers crossed I get a significant raise.
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    3732€/month (before taxes etc.) but I work 30h/week. It's not much for 6+ years of experience senior software engineer but it's part-time WFH position with pretty chill responsibilities.
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    about 3.50
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    @electrineer and per month too
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    update...was a bit annoyed I didn't get a pay rise this year given the work I finished in time and on budget last year. There was no one-on-one with the boss this year either (probably trying to avoid all the requests). Given the rise in costs now I am now after a 10-15% payrise.
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    @b2plane Taxes, mandatory insurances and living costs are quite high in Germany close to a large city.
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    @ojt-rant the harder you work the less chances you have to get paid more lil bro. Corpoate is the same like women. The more you show her how much you love her the more she wont give a fuck about you
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    @b2plane don't have to be like that. I know relationships where they give eachother 100%
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    @retoor Leave him be.. poor fellas suffering because of low pay and an obvious lack of rizz
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    @b2plane not wanting to prove you wrong but I've been given a bumper payrise since my last post.
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    @SidTheITGuy "lack of rizz"

    no. just no.

    go to your corner.
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    fr fr? Deadass no cap you be real rn fr fr?
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