Damn fuck it. I am making a program with
#include <windows.h>

Accessing the Win32 API in c is such a pain. Just made a simple window with 70 lines of c code. And I have to edit it in turbo c but run it in some other compiler. Our teacher is a .... uhhh
Hate projects.

Sorry if the rant doesn't make sense. I am too tired.

  • 7
    Winapi is awesome. You just gotta get used to it. Msdn is by far the the best documentation I've ever read.

    Opening a window in straight winapi/c should be only for learning how things work under the hood. There are enough libraries that wrap that shit up.

    And the turbo c thing is a big wtf. Why not visual studio?

    Anyway, enjoy :)
  • 3
    @hateios libraries? can you tell me? please??!!
  • 2
    @hateios the docs are great but sometimes you get wrong version pages and dead links send you to the ms homepage.
  • 0
    @CozyPlanes https://stackoverflow.com/questions...

    @Codex404 I'm not really up to date with it but it used to be really good. I had a local copy of a specific amazing version.
  • 1
    @hateios I meant c, not c++
  • 1
    @CozyPlanes huh, right well, I guess SDL?

    There must be more.. I haven't done win programming for a few years now..
  • 1
    @hateios doesnt seem good for me.... Please tell me more if you remember something
  • 1
    @sylflo need to make full working sudoku game until the end of the year. Consists of play mode and generate puzzle algo,and solving algo. Also sudoku validator in fucking c
  • 1
    @CozyPlanes i did that on my TI 84plus. Just make add one sudoku and chamge numbers, hussle rows and colums within the wide rows and columns. And also hussle the 3 wide rows and columns and you have a completely different sudoku.
  • 1
    @Codex404 the only problem is to make the ui in c console.
  • 0
    @CozyPlanes must be easier than on a tiny TI screen. Making fonts that small was a pain.

    Using bold and regular ascii characters makes the field pretty clear I think.
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