
Anyone here using the Nim programming language? I just started today and want to see how others feel about it and if anyone may be interested in collaborating on a project.

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    Looks interesting. One codebase for three different environments
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    @devJoe it’s a pretty cool language. I wish it compiled to machine code instead of C and I’ve got a couple other small gripes so far, but it’s pretty cool
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    Compiles to c so it's nice, but IMHO there is too little restrictions on syntax, looks pretty chaotic. I like being in control. For me it's the same issue as cmake vs make.

    Although rust language look fine, have you tried it? Mozilla is pushing it really hard to be next, more advanced C++ substitute
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    @esavier I have, my main problem with Rust is that the syntax is just very difficult to understand. I LOVE how safe it is, but that safety comes at the cost of usability. Crystal is another really nice one. It’s got a ruby like syntax, but it complies directly to machine code. It’s also type safe.
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    I seem to be a little bit late for the party, lol 😁 nonetheless, I've started using the language today myself, and so far, compiling to c, it's a pretty fast language, although, seconding @ensavier, I've been using Rust for a while now, and it seems a lot more promising.
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