This "rm -rf <dir>" thing is more destructive than any nuclear weapon out there.

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    I’ve been meaning to try a trash tool but rm -rf is such a hard muscle memory… I might need to alias it instead of trying to unlearn decades of unix
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    how about DROP
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    Nope, a nuclear weapon can turn the entire downtown of a major city into a flat, glassy pancake and destroy all buildings in a 10km radius. And render huge areas of land radioactive for decades. But you worry about your data storage.
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    @priyanshu-zeon Yeah, sorry - I'm just pushing back on the idea that nuclear war would be okay, survivable, not the worst thing that could happen. It'd be the end of any sort of life worth living.
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    @benj there is such a thing as alias
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    Bro there's this fucking folder in my home directory which is named ~ and i cannot fucking delete it without root permissions.

    i did rm -rf ~, and the fucker deleted my entire home dir.

    I haven't touched that cursed ~ folder since then
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    @demonCoder my brother in christ, ~ is your home.
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    @demonCoder Bro, blew up his home.
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    Sorry OP, but typed it wrong, it's:

    'sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /'

    ^ paste that in the next time you need to delete a file, it'll definitely delete the file eventually 😉
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    @MammaNeedHummus I also recently discovered that my iPhone is able to convert the 2.4-ish ghz frequency of the microwave into power thus charging very quickly while I cook my hot pocket!
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    @Ranchonyx no bro it is a folder inside home but my rm-rf nuclear missiles were probably directed to to the home dir instead of the home/~
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    drop table /;
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    alias rm=“rm -I” # capital i

    No more accidental nuking!
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    @Root now I need to look up man rm for -I…
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