holy fuck, UFOs are now moving to the "mainstream discourse"?????

yes, just like AI, world's ending, all the jobs are gone!!!

just like covid (remember that one?) world's over, we all died!

let me repeat it for you:

shut the fuck up
shut the fuck up
shut the fuck up

what the fuck went wrong with the vast majority of people along the way????

i'm going to the mountains, i'll be back...


inb4 "have some creativity fullstackclown!" "isn't it cool to think about?!"

shut up, using your fucking head that is a result of millions of years of evolution seems much more exciting than taking 4 grainy ass videos as truth and getting hyped up about it

show me a shred of valid evidence and i'll believe. however, evidence does NOT include:

- some big wig CLAIMING or SAYING they exist, regardless of their credentials - i don't care if fucking honest abe lincoln himself rises from the grave and says UFOs are real
- a photo or video that looks like it was taken in the 1920s

  • 2
    see ya there, or we can use the whistle lang to chat and yep seeing is believing...

    ...and even then u can't be completely sure knowing what kind of tricks your mind is capable of...

    yet me still waiting to encounter them and take me on a trip =]
  • 9
    Unidentified Flying Object. I see things all the time that I can't identify. It's fine.
  • 1
    I could feel the raw anger on this one ++
  • 3
    UFOs are real though, by dedinition.
  • 1
    Mental sickness!

    *Twitter appears*

  • 1
    One is a airplane out of LAX or similiar, another is a gease. The rest is some other shit or debris.
  • 2
    There are hearings going on about disclosure.
  • 0
    Just realized this post is requesting off planet transport. Are you okay with probing?
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