
So, this happened.
We are supposed to get bonuses by this time of the year, but at the evaluations meetings we were told that this year we won't because we've lost a client and bla bla.
Later this week, one of my colleagues just opened himself and told me that he and one more received the full bonus!!
So basically our employer just lied to everyone.
What would you do?
I'm leaving for sure, already think that this company is hitting a dead end, but i think leaving is not a good enough for the company to open their eyes and starting to value all its employees, even after I leave.

  • 9
    Drop a database
  • 1
    @dontPanic we have backups so that won't do it 😑 maybe I just drop so memory leaks here and there 😈
    @hardeepasrani but it'll have my name in the commits, not a good option
  • 1
    Go on a leave on the day of some deadline..
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    @Alt-Grrr this
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    You got your regular pay so I believe it's completely fine. There's a reason it's called BONUS. If you do something on purpose that damages the company just because you didn't get a bonus I think of you as just a little angry child.
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    @sSam how do they expect people to strive to do better, to get the bonus, if they lie about why they aren't getting the bonus?
  • 0
    I'm not angry I did not receive it, in fact I would prefer they told that I didn't deserve it than lie to everyone. And of course I'm not leaving mem leaks, my colleagues don't deserve that.
    Found new opportunities, let's rumble!!
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