"The time spent on the assignment should not exceed 8 hours."

nice, so a full working day just for an interview take home task


  • 2
    Interpretation A:
    It's a way to filter those that set boundaries, which can be wanted (applicants the are focused on creating real value) or not (selecting for desperate applicants).

    Interpretation B:
    They're so full of themselves that they couldn't imagine applicants having other things to do. This might be a recurring theme in case of taking the job.

    Exceptions may apply for very junior (fresh grad) roles, within limits.
  • 2
    Only 8 hours? Where do I sign? Last one it took me 2 full days from morning to night.
  • 4
    They should pay for your time
  • 2
    It's common for me
  • 2
    Well, how complicated is the task?
  • 6
    @Demolishun oh, it's only an entire SPA dashboard
  • 4
    @fullstackclown is it legit or is this a "steal code attempt".
  • 2
    @Demolishun I hope it's not "steal code" - I beleive its already in production so what they had me do is more or less already implemented (I hope)
  • 4
    Browse their site to see if a new dashboard was added
  • 5
    It's so weird. An industry that has more educated applicants then ever yet allegedly is constantly short of qualified work force can somehow dare to make interviews this involved

    I don't know man, something isn't right here and vaguely bubble shaped
  • 1
    @fullstackclown > is more or less already implemented

    Way to waste time bruh. Is the dev job search really this bad?
  • 3
    @Tonnoman and getting worse by the day :)
  • 1
    @fullstackclown with that foresight I really will end up having no excuses ooof haha
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