
I never tried a cigarette in my life. However the complexity of the project im working on ALL ALONE and im going all in on it and giving it my all, working alone on a project thats supposed to work at least 10 developers, is causing me excessive damage of stress. Cigarettes might be the solution. Not sure about alcohol cause usually it kills brain cells and id become even dumber as fuck. Plus i need full focus on this bullshit. Need Concentration. Cant concentrate if im under extreme levels of stress and pressure. I must be fast with this and finish the project this year 2023. I dont know what scares me the most: the level of complexity or the fact im not close to finishing it. What do you think is cigarette gonna solve my problem ?

  • 8
    You complaining about money and now you want to add an expensive addiction to your plate?
  • 1
    So you want to add another stress and addiction to the mix of additional stresses and addictions?

    Err... no. It's a completely stupid idea.
  • 2
    it pretty much depends on how much you value your own life and health.
  • 2
    What you really need is a new job.
  • 3
    Level up and smoke weed
  • 2
    Take some time to relax man. Brew a nice cup of tea every now and then, and just enjoy it, sit down to read a book or go for a short stroll around the lesser known parts of the town or a hike in the surrounding areas.

    You need to have an Activity where you can relax and you'll never consider smoking again
  • 0
    @spongessuck job only adds more stress and depression
  • 0
    @ostream so why do smokers smoke every time theyre stressed. My dad smokes like 2 packs per day
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    @ostream but while smoking you feel better right? Thats what i need to have instant dose of stress relief while working
  • 2
    @b2plane Cigarettes don't ease stress... weed does. Always.
  • 0
    @Hazarth sounds like some instagram influencer bullshit
  • 2
    @aviophile It may, I don't follow influencers. But It's true. It's also usually what a psychologist would recommend if your main issue is stress. For me, it got me through some harsh times
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