
Is it better for login page button and text and links when you're about to login to say Login or Sign In?

Same for registration. Register or Sign Up?

Its the same shit different label. Im afraid people are too dumb to understand Sign In = Login and Sign Up = Register.

Some sites use Login some use Sign In.


Cast ur votes and explain why

✅ Login / Register
✅ Sign In / Sign Up

  • 0
    Use login/Register

    If people are too dumb to know what that means, they probably shouldn't use the internet in the first place.

    Alternatively you could use more text. Like Log into existing account/Register new account or something like that.
  • 0
    @thebiochemic side question: how is "remember me" checkbox supposed to be programmed during login?

    If you check it then you should remain logged in when you visit the website next time. But at what point are you "logged out" automatically because you havent ticked the "remember me" checkbox?

    Im confused. This feature is on all websites but you get remembered anyways regardless of if you tick remember me or not
  • 1
    I vote Login/Register because I hate learning English phrasal verbs, why are there so many?!
  • 1
    @cafecortado to make people sound intelligent
  • 0
    @b2plane it kinda depends, if it is based on some kind of session token, it will not expire after 3h or so, whenever you do something on the website, this session token gets refreshed. so "remember me" would set the expiry date of that specific token to like 30 days or something, and probably also signals the backend to keep the verification stuff in sync for it to work properly. I usually don't deal with that stuff, because i hand auth off to some third party using OAuth2 for example.
  • 3
    Sacrifice a cat / Join the cult
  • 1
    @horus on my ig story 9/10 people voted for login/register and almost everyone here confirms that. So shall it be
  • 2
    Having unique texts is a readability advantage. "Sign up" and "Sign in" are very similar. "Login" and "Register" are entirely unique.
  • 0
    "Register" is often used for paid software like Photoshop with licenses. "Please register your license key"

    While "Sign up" is more often used for normal consumer products.

    For Netflix I think they'd say "Sign up" rather than "Register"
  • 1
    My five cents.

    Sign up = sounds like a newsletter
    Register is more gooder.

    Sign in = the action of signing in
    Login = login credentials or login page. Not an action per se imo
  • 2
    @jiraTicket @ScriptCoded that's why "create account" is better
  • 4
    The gold standard is to not have any account system at all.
  • 1
    @electrineer dont worry i also offer guest-only mode
  • 1
    I'm for Sign In / Sign Up.

    Because the phrase is popular in Hollywood movies - "That's what we signed up for".

    Just my opinion.
  • 1
    Enter / Subscribe 😁
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy too late i already refactored all shits to login register
  • 2
    @electrineer I like "Create Account".

    IF you can do anything with a free account.

    But if you can't do anything without paying I kinda feel like "Sign up" better conveys that you're signing up for a paid thing.
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