
nobody in my team works at my location. they are all at different sites of the world.

can i have the option to work 100% remote please?

my company:
no :-)
oh, it is soooo hard to recruit new team members :-) what in the world could we possibly do??

  • 4
    i thought this was @fullstackcircus posting this, from the clown emoji in the tags.
  • 3
    @SidTheITGuy had you there 🤡
  • 1
    @soull00t You may get copyright striked by him. He's desperate for money these days anyway.
  • 1
    I can relate. Go to office, attend meetings over MS teams, get back from office, attend meetings over zoom.
  • 1
    In fairness, there's sometimes *weird* tax rules that make this concern genuine. The UK has a whole bunch that make this a nightmare. They're not insurmountable, but a lot of the payroll software companies tend to use can't handle it - and replacing that is often risky and expensive, so it doesn't happen.

    In general though, it's just companies on a power trip.
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