
Can not fucking believe even the richest man in the world is mocking college because he knows its all a FUCKING BULLSHIT AND THE LARGEST SCAM TO EXIST

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    6 years of fucking mindwreck and brainwashing to end up graduating and learning NOTHING USEFUL just to NOW start learning ON MY OWN, USEFUL, stuff thats in demand TODAY and not 30 FUCKING YEARS AGO
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    I knew i wasnt a fucking lunatic for figuring out easily how college is a scam. Especially the guarantee of getting a job if you have a degree. ALL OF IT WAS A BIG SHIT FUCKING LIE
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    I would be fine with college if they weren't preoccupied with pushing marxist garbage.
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    Higher education isn't a scam. The scam is thinking you need it to learn.

    How you learn is the least important thing in the world after you know it. Employers are recognizing that.

    It's good for networking though.
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    Horses for courses. You have to put the effort in and make sure it's worth it.

    I can 100% say that the knowledge I learned and the contacts I made at university set me up incredibly well for my career since, and it's since paid for itself in spades.

    If you go to somewhere that's just interested in shipping you out the door with bare minimum knowledge though, or you do a degree in basket weaving and expect it to be relevant - not so much.
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    You don't need an education for being a dork.
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    So I thought of the song "Natural" when you mentioned the dork thing. Then I watched the video and was like this is really interesting and fucked up song:

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    I disagree with this assessment. And I am absolutely sure he doesn’t hire “self taught” rocket or automative engineers.
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    @horus fake story.
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    @lungdart i didnt learn shit there. I went there just because everyone starting from my parents shoved down my throat the idea of a GUARANTEED job if i have a college degree. 25 years later i learned how that was a FUCKING LIE
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    @b2plane sounds like your courses were garbage. Sorry to hear that.

    You think accreditation would weed out the shitty stuff, but nobody knows how technology works so their eyes glaze over and it sounds complicated enough so it must be good
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    @lungdart the courses were in fact total trash. They teach technology from 1990 and below. Nobody gives a fuck and no job wants outdated knowledge. So i wasted 6 years of my life to become dumber and now i have to begin learning useful modern technology that is in demand today. I am absolutely disgusted ashamed and going to college is my ONLY AND BIGGEST regret in life. The amount of actually useful shit i could have learned in the past 6 years and success i could have achieved is mind blowing

    The worst part is this is the #1 hardest public university in the whole city, and #2 hardest university for software engineering in the whole country! "Everyone who graduate here is highly appreciated" Which also turned out to be another lie.
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    @b2plane wait, you graduated 25 years ago? Or how does that timeline work out?
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    @electrineer please provide a proper link or at least copy paste the relevant text.
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    @aviophile did you lose your ctrl+F key?
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    It is sometimes worthwhile but not because it teaches you things. Completing a degree signals good things to employers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/...
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    @electrineer link wasn’t even opened.
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    @aviophile I know you're scared because it's longer than a tweet, but it's anyway an interview of your Lord Elon. You should feel happy reading it.
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    @electrineer read my lips, fucking imbecile. Link isn’t opening because of webarchive bullshit website doesn’t work.
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