How do you handle your existential dread?

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    coffee OD
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    Just be okay with death. Then it doesn't matter and you can focus on interesting things.
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    I cover it with my existential rastacap

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    By catching it and doing nothing with it.
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    Also, there are people in this world that thrive on instilling fear in others. They profit from it as well. Don't give those douche bags the satisfaction or the financial gain.
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    I don't, I'm severely depressed.
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    @Bubbles you are important.
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    Beer + heavy metal
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    I suggest you meet death, somehow. When you see its face and is lucky enough to come back, you won’t fear it anymore.
    Mine had my eyes.
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    Some people that took DMT report it’s the quickest way to meet death and be reborn, in a way. I never tried it (and I don’t do drugs in general for that matter, being autistic is interesting enough lmao), but I very much want to.
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    @gymmerDeveloper also sex. Just that after sex the existential dread hits a new low
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    @kiki You say 2-3 sentences that carry the weight of a million words. I'm constantly fascinated with things you say.... it's weird and scary and amusing all at the same time. You should consider writing a book, seriously.

    Also, yeah please don't do DMT. Mixing autism and DMT doesn't sound like its the best idea. You should smoke weed though.
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    @Bubbles oh shit, I wish I could give u advice, but I imagine people telling u to "cheer up" all the time.

    You've got some good rants because of this, though. Keep hustling with us and remember, we must suffer together and it's not getting better.

    *starts shivering in a corner*
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    @gymmerDeveloper you know it, brother. Post nut clarity mixed with scoops of existential dread. Ah, the best drug to consume.
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    @ostream just weed for me, thanks!
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    I've seen death, but we had to reschedule our date...
    Nothing in life freaks me anymore so I just just try to live a good life.

    *vive una buena vida*
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    @SidTheITGuy oh man, you made my day. Don't worry, I treat psychedelics with respect, as I would any tool that is this powerful. I won't take them on my own. The only scenario I'm willing to take DMT in is at a clinic in the Netherlands.

    Weed? Well… I smoked it two times. First was pre-diagnosis and pre-meds. My entire reality turned into a cube that was sliding on top of a wedge, like you would on a Counter-Strike surf map. I had to “think to the left” and “think to the right” to keep it balanced as it slid, otherwise I would die. At least that's how I felt, and I was fully convinced that's precisely what was going to happen if I fucked up. Quite an immersive experience, isn't it.

    The second time was a year ago, with me being fully diagnosed and taking my meds. I felt absolutely nothing.

    Context: I also have Bipolar type I (that is the most extreme one, the one with manic episodes)
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    @Nanos you're an unique human being that perceives the world VERY differently. A lot of general rules don't apply to you.
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    I accept it's existance and go on with my life.

    Life has no inherent reason or goal. And there will always be uncertainty no matter how hard you try to insure yourself or the ones you love. You can't actually change that. You can only accept it.

    And @localpost is partially right. Both versions are reality - just for different people. And if you are on the left, you might be able to define your own goal and shift to the right by accepting the greatest existential questions having pretty boring and unfulfilling answers.

    If nothing else works, you can still just join another one's religion or world view. Some people can't cope with being in a sandbox without an overarching plot to guide them. That's fine. There are tons of more or less believable world views and religions out there. You can just pick one of those if it is too hard to come up with your own.
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    @SidTheITGuy I appreciate the kind words haha we all go down together
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    How do I handle it?

    I remember I'm not owed any of it so I might as well stick around, taking it in, and relish that this is all I will get and that everything gets wiped away eventually.
    It's my slither of existence and it's more interesting than no slither
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    @Demolishun haha thanks, sorry for the late reply I didn't get the notif
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    @jestdotty The question was - How do you handle "your" existential dread, for a reason.
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