
Is it normal that a senior java engineer earns between a range lets say 48k - 58k a year? Usd

  • 5
    Depends on the country I guess
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    I think in NL that's OK
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    A workable salary in US big cities, a good salary in less costly places.

    In my city, you can live not quite in luxury, but without any worry.
  • 2
    Not in the US. Those are junior level salaries for the US (for seniors in other countries who are making this range, don’t worry it’s not due to your skills, as cost of living is a big influencer).
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    I'd say that's quite low for most major cities in the US.
  • 0
    Holy shitcoin, if your a dev in general, never settle for this measly amount
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    Definitely not the higher side
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    It's batshit crazy amount for taking huge dumps of shit in shitty programming language. Making everyone's life miserable
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    Java devs in India get paid a TON on money, I can tell you that. Way way way higher salaries than Python, NodeJS, and Laravel or any other stack devs.
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    @Grumpycat cool. I was right about dem NL
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    @SidTheITGuy You must be daydreaming a lot. I cant say about other countries but in India, they are barely paid good salaries when compared to their Python counterparts except if they sell their soul and work for banks / goverment for similar pay.
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    @coldfire you answered your own statement. Who do you think hires the most Java devs? Banks and governments. Even in college I used to hear professors say that learning Java sets you up for life.
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    @SidTheITGuy You poor thing, if only you could understand how small that percent of devs is vs how big the whole indian tech market is. Just to put it in simple words so you may not misunderstand it again, Only a handful of java devs are paid their worth when they get hired by banks or govt, the majority of them work in miserable conditions while being underpaid as compared to python devs with same no. of years as experience.
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    @coldfire sigh... u know what, u got me again kiddo, It's good to see you growing up and learning new things everyday.
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    @SidTheITGuy Thanks, you can take a screenshot of this and add it to the pile of your failures you have stored, might help you sleep better.
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    @coldfire Got me again kiddo, wow your school is really teaching you lots of things, isn't it?
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    @SidTheITGuy Yeah, the school of life has a lot for everyone. You can learn a lot too, just have to come out of your delusions and daydreaming.
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    $45k seems pretty low for america

    *Minimum* wage in germany (without taxes and health care) is currently 12€/h=$12.5/h that would be ~$25k/year (40h/week, at least 20 days vacation, often even more + holidays + sick days) after taxes and healthcare and stuff this is roughly 19$k
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    Depends on how they define senior. If it’s like junior mid senior then that’s kind of low.
    If it’s like junior, regular, senior, staff, senior staff, etc then it could be reasonable depending on the experience scale
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