daily reminder (most of you don't need it i know) that reddit is full of the most ignorant and dumb people on the planet

thought i could hop into comments on a /r/worldnews post for interesting discussion and discourse, no, its just idiotic neckbeards trying to one up eachother on painfully cringe doomer phrases and / or who can get the most upvotes from their godawful dumbass pun

what a fuckin cesspool

and they wonder why the world is going to shit

  • 7
    I do not think Reddit is a representative sampling of the population.
  • 6
    @Demolishun true but I’m afraid that the rest of the world is not much smarter.
  • 3
    Its users are mostly from the US as well, you will hardly get anything other than a tiny amount of opinions all echoing against each other.
  • 4
    @ars1 People are smart as individuals and stupid in groups.
  • 0
    @merklegroot reminds me of that speech from MIB every time 🙂
  • 2
    I just get banned for saying obvious things people don't want to hear 😝
  • 0
    Also, I have found subreddits that support my personal delusions...
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